Dream about caterpillar on sister

A pregnant person dreaming of a caterpillar on her sister's body predicts the birth of a male child:While Summer occupies the birth of a female child. Be cautious of miscarriage.

Dreaming of caterpillars on sister:Indicates that the age difference is a little big, to be more accommodating can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of caterpillars on sister:Represents hard operation, get friends to help and then successfully get wealth.

Pregnant people dreamed of caterpillars on their bodies:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Those who dreamt of caterpillars on their bodies suggested to change the date of departure and postpone the trip.

People dreaming of caterpillars on the body:Means do not answer lightly, will have good grades.

Pregnant people dreaming of having bark and caterpillars on their bodies:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, not used to water and soil, be careful of diet.

Traveling people dreamed of caterpillars falling on their bodies:Suggest postponing another date to go out.

People dreaming of caterpillars on my body implies that there are many obstacles to fulfill one's wishes.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a caterpillar on her son's hand predicts the birth of a daughter:And she should pay more attention to her diet.

People who are traveling dreamt of a big caterpillar with a small caterpillar on its back:Suggests smooth sailing.

People in love dreaming of a caterpillar on my body:Suggests someone sabotage, handle with caution, do not misunderstand each other.

People who are traveling dreamed of basilica caterpillar lo on the body:Suggest as scheduled, smooth and safe.

People dreaming of caterpillars on their body:Means can get wealth and profit, be careful to prevent lawsuits, water and fire be careful.

Traveling people dream of seeing caterpillars crawling on the body:Suggest delayed departure, safe return home.

People dreaming of seeing caterpillars crawling on others:Joyful, cautious against joyfulness, cautious against lawsuits.

Traveling people dreaming of caterpillars crawling on the body:Suggests can go out smoothly, safe back.

Doing business dreamed of a lot of caterpillars:On behalf of the financial smooth, there is a mouth is wrong, fall loss.

Travelers dreaming of caterpillars falling on their bodies:Suggests smooth sailing, can go out.

Traveling people dreaming of caterpillars crawling on their bodies:Suggest that they can depart as scheduled.

Those who are traveling dreamed of caterpillars falling on their bodies:Suggest postponing the trip in case of rain.

People in love dreamed of seeing many caterpillars crawling on their bodies:Suggesting that as long as the female parent agrees, the marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreamed of seeing caterpillars crawling on others:After both sides recognize the family situation, marriage can be accomplished in the year.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing money with caterpillars on it:Suggests encountering water or landslide delay before traveling.

Travelers dream of seeing caterpillars crawling on others:Next time to set off again.

Travelers dreaming of having bark and caterpillars on their bodies:Suggest postponing and choosing another date to go out.

People doing business dreamed of seeing caterpillars on their bodies:Representing hard work, getting help from friends and then getting rich.

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