What does it mean to get lost on the subway and not return home?

For those who dream of getting lost on the subway and not returning home:It means that you are close to the edge of admission.

If you are pregnant and dream of getting lost on the subway and not returning home:You are predicting the birth of a girl, and a boy in September.

Those who dreamed of taking the subway and getting lost and not returning home are advised to go out less often:And to bring rain gear when going out after a delay.

People in love dreamed of taking the subway lost did not return to Chengjia:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

People in business dreamed of taking the subway and getting lost and not returning home:Representing that although progress is slow, but there is wealth and profit to be gained, and it is better to improve.

People in love dreamed of taking the subway and getting lost:Indicating that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of getting lost on the subway do not return home:Means that it is important to recognize the time to know the progress and retreat, it is appropriate to guard not to enter, all things do not go well.

People dreaming of taking the subway halfway broken:Means poor science results, failed to be admitted.

Doing business dreamed of taking the subway to ride through the station:Represents big loss, fortune is unfavorable, it is better to keep.

People who are traveling dreamed of taking subway with lover:Suggesting postponement in case of rain, disagreement and postponement.

People in business dreamed of taking the subway back to school after work:Failing to stabilize, more careful management is recommended.

People in love dreamed of taking the subway to find the way:Suggesting that after many trials and tribulations, one can hope to get married.

People in business dreamed of taking the subway out of the station:On behalf of bad luck, profit is not good, can not expand investment.

Dreaming of taking the subway to get lost and not returning home:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is blue, the wealth position is in the north direction, the peach blossom position is in the south direction, the lucky number is 5, the lucky food is chocolate.

People in love dream of riding the subway and meeting a ghost:Suggesting that they are close to getting married and grasping good fortune.

People dreaming of taking the subway out of a station means concentrating on homework and hoping to be admitted.

Those who are traveling dreamed of taking the subway to get off at the wrong station:Suggesting postponing going out if there is wind or rain.

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