What does dreaming about clothes with a hole in them symbolize?

A traveler dreaming of clothes with a hole in them suggests postponing a trip in case of rain.

Pregnant people dreaming of clothes with a hole in them:Predicting the birth of a boy, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus to miscarry.

People in business dreaming of clothes with a hole in them represent that they are unable to make a profit amidst many obstacles:So they should plan again.

People in love dreaming of clothes broken a hole:Suggests willingness, honesty with marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of clothes with a hole in them means failing the first exam:But trying harder will give you hope.

Pregnant people dreaming of a door broken a hole:Predicting the birth of a man, fall occupying the birth of a woman. It is advisable to make up more nutrition.

Travelers dreaming of smoking clothes burned a hole:Suggests that with family members to do good.

The traveler dreamed of a hole in his clothes:Suggesting a change of itinerary is good.

Traveler dreaming of a broken finger:Suggests encountering cloudy weather or having something to stop postponing departure.

A traveler dreaming of a hole in someone's slipper is having a hard time finding it. An accidental injury on the way:Ask in the west.

Travelers dreaming of a hand with a broken hole suggests that spring is feasible:While others postpone their decision.

Pregnant people dreaming of a broken hole in their house:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, a male in spring, good maintenance of the digestive system.

Pregnant people dreaming of a hole in a child's clothes:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving the earth room miscarriage.

Pregnant person dreamed of clothes bad a hole:Predicted the birth of a daughter with paroxysmal pains, more maintenance.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing a hole in the roof:Means more use of time to read books, there is a possibility of admission.

People dreaming of seeing someone's slippers broken a hole:There is wealth and profit can be gained, be careful to guard against the tongue is wrong, the luck of a good harvest.

People in love dreaming of a bad hole in the roof:Suggesting that a woman's age is slightly older, no harm, as long as mutual trust can be.

Pregnant people dream of a hole in their clothes:Predicting the birth of a boy. A woman is expected in spring.

A businessman dreaming of a door with a hole in it represents uncertainty and bad fortune:And caution against beauty schemes.

Those who dreamed of seeing a hole in their clothes being burned by smoke suggest postponing the trip in case of rain.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a hole in her tooth bed predicted the birth of a daughter; a man in the fall:Be careful of falls and injuries.

People dreaming of a bad hole in the finger in the current year of life:Means that although there is wealth and profit, be careful against paperwork litigation or car accidents.

People dreaming of going to school saw someone else's slippers broken a hole:There are obstacles, determined to redouble their efforts have hope to be admitted.

Travelers dreaming of burning a hole in one's favorite clothes:Suggests a safe journey.

A pregnant woman dreaming of burning a hole in her clothes predicts the birth of a male child; the mother is unfavorable; take care of her with care.

Pregnant people dreaming of a broken hole in the roof:Predicting the birth of a girl, be careful with fire and water, be careful not to move the fetus.

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