Dreaming of a two-story building suddenly getting shorter

A traveler dreaming of a two-story building suddenly becoming shorter is advised to depart on a different date.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a two-storied building suddenly becoming shorter is predicting the birth of a daughter; she should not move the earth to move the fetus and have an abortion.

People in love dreaming of two buildings suddenly getting shorter:Suggesting that marriage will be accomplished after the occupation is fixed.

Those who dreamed of seeing two buildings suddenly becoming shorter means more caution in arts subjects:And failure if one is nervous and impatient.

For a businessman to dream of a two-storied building suddenly becoming shorter:Represents that the business is unfavorable at first, but after reorganization, it will be more successful.

For a businessman to dream of two tall buildings:It means that the packaging of the products should be strengthened, but the business is not satisfactory at the moment.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her daughter becoming shorter and uglier would give birth to a boy in the fall and a girl in other seasons.

When a person in love dreams of a curved building suddenly becoming straight:It means that if you understand each other and don't need to fix your appearance, you can expect to get married.

If a pregnant woman dreams that her boyfriend has become shorter and uglier:She is predicting the birth of a male child; if she dreams of a female child in summer, she is predicting the birth of a female child.

A pregnant woman dreaming of two tall buildings predicts the birth of a daughter:But she should not go out to climb mountains.

A traveler dreaming of being ridiculed for being shorter would have to postpone his trip in case of rain or wind.

A person dreaming of a curved building suddenly becoming straight in the year of one's life implies that one's career is not going well:So be careful with fire and water, and guard against official symbols.

Pregnant people dreaming of a child becoming short and ugly:Giving birth to a male, summer occupying the birth of a female. Smooth and safe.

Pregnant people dreaming of a sudden change in the sky:Predicting the birth of a girl. A male in January or February.

If a person in love dreams of two high buildings:It means that if they can trust each other, they will be happy together, otherwise they will be separated.

According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis:The lucky color is yellow, the lucky number is 8, the wealth position is in the southwest direction, the peach blossom position is in the north direction, and the lucky food is noodles.

If you are pregnant and dream that someone becomes shorter:You will give birth to a baby girl, and you should not move the earth.

Pregnant people dreaming of a dead person becoming shorter:Giving birth to a daughter, avoid moving earth, prevent miscarriage.

A businessman dreaming of two short houses:Represents a stoppage of business which is not going well, it is better to retreat and defend.

Dreaming of two buildings suddenly become short:Today you tend to easily show their love and hate attitude. Even if the other side feel, you still do what I do, do not care. The other person's feelings are also ignored in the relationship.

People who go to school dreaming of their son becoming shorter means that they will not be admitted as they wish.

People in love dreaming of two buildings suddenly become shorter:Suggesting that maintenance of the body, and gas and humility to get along, marriage can be accomplished.

Those who dreamt of shortening themselves on a trip suggest a smooth departure:But be careful in case of wind.

People dreaming of seeing two buildings suddenly become shorter in the current year of life:Means first bitter then sweet, be patient, can get wealth and profit, promotion and upgrading.

When a person in his current year dreams of seeing two buildings suddenly become shorter:It means that there are changes in everything, changing occupation, moving address and getting smooth.

Those who dreamed of seeing a dead man become shorter in school:Their scores are on the verge of admission, not very optimistic.

Those who dreamed of seeing a dead man become shorter while traveling:Stopping when encountering rain, postponing the departure again.

People who are traveling dreamed of houses becoming shorter:Suggested that they can go out smoothly and come back safely.

People in love dreamed of two short houses:Suggesting mutual respect for each other, modesty and courtesy, marriage is promising.

Pregnant people dreaming of two buildings suddenly becoming shorter:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent difficult labor.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her daughter becoming shorter is predicting the birth of a daughter.

A traveler dreaming of her husband becoming shorter was advised to delay her departure in case of rain.

Traveler dreaming of boyfriend becoming shorter:Suggest postponing departure is better.

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