Dreaming of a lover sleeping with my boss

If a businessman dreams of seeing his lover sleeping with his boss:It means that he will lose a lot of money and it is better for him to retreat and defend himself.

If you are pregnant and dream that your lover is in bed with your boss:You are predicting the birth of a daughter; for the safety of the mother and child, it would be better to wait for the birth of the baby in the hospital.

People dreaming of seeing a lover and my boss sleeping together in this year of life means that the year of peace and security:All things are not going well.

People in love dreaming of lover and my boss in bed:Suggests a triangular relationship, must choose one, marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of lover and my boss in bed:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky color is green, lucky number is 9, peach blossom bit in the southeast direction, wealth in the south direction, lucky food is peanuts.

For those who go to school and dream that their lover sleeps with another man:It means that their name falls out of the list. Poor grades.

For a businessman to dream that his lover sleeps with another man:Represents wealth and fortune.

When a businessman dreamt that his lover slept with my sister:It means smooth development, treating customers with sincerity, and obtaining wealth and profit.

When a businessman dreamed that his lover slept with his lover:It means that he can get wealth and profit, but he should be careful to prevent his friend from reneging on his promise (master, customer) and fighting in a lawsuit.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a lover and a boss's purse:Giving birth to a daughter, preventing miscarriage, winter occupying the birth of a male.

People dreaming of seeing a beautiful woman sleeping with me in the current year of life implies that one should be careful with one's speech:As trouble comes out of one's mouth, and one should be careful to guard against the disaster of injury.

People dreaming of seeing a beautiful woman sleeping with me:Means that the results in liberal arts are a bit poor, but can hope to be admitted.

People in business dreamed of seeing a cold war lover joking with me:On behalf of wealth and profit, obtaining salary.

Traveling person dreamed of good friend asking someone to sleep with my husband:Suggests traveling smoothly as scheduled.

Traveling person dreamed of lover and I don't talk to each other:Go out smoothly.

Pregnant person dreamed of having a man sleep with me:Giving birth to a male child, cautious against miscarriage, avoid moving earth.

Pregnant person dreamed that her good friend asked someone to go to bed with my husband:Predicted that she could expect to give birth to a girl, and took birth to a boy in the fall.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing a lover and her good friend's man sleeping together:Suggesting that there is something delaying the date, postponing the trip.

People in love dreaming of a man going to bed with me suggests that after many tests:Marriage can be expected.

A traveler dreaming of a lover clinking glasses with my girlfriend during dinner is advised to have a smooth trip.

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