Meaning of dream earthworms burrowing body rice with earthworms in it

If a traveler dreams of earthworms burrowing into his body and there are earthworms in the rice:He is advised to stop if there is rain and postpone the trip.

If you are pregnant and dream of earthworms drilling into your body with earthworms in the rice:You are expected to give birth to a boy. In July and August, a girl will be born.

Doing business dreamed of earthworms drilling into the body with earthworms in the rice:Representing many obstacles in the operation, slow growth, but auspicious and profitable.

People dreaming of earthworms drilling into their bodies with earthworms in the rice means cherishing the good fortune:Tolerating everything and not being calculating with others.

People in love dreaming of earthworms drilling their bodies with earthworms in the rice:Suggesting that the family and all things are prospering, and not listening to one-sided words can be successful.

People in love dreaming of earthworms drilling blood from the gums:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished with honesty.

People in business dreaming of many earthworms drilling into their bodies:Representing smooth operation. At first, there are obstacles, and then the wealth and profits are great.

When a businessman dreams of earthworms drilling into his body and then pulling them out:It means that he will gain wealth and fame in summer, and will be as successful as he wants to be. Spring is unfavorable.

People in love dreaming of earthworms drilling the earth:Suggests that after communicating with each other, marriage can be accomplished.

For a businessman to dream of earthworms in his body:Represents a slow progress, but a good fortune.

A pregnant woman dreaming of earthworms drilling into her body predicts the birth of a male child.

Those who are traveling dreamed of many earthworms in a flower pot:Suggest going out smoothly.

Travelers dreaming of earthworms drilling into the body and then dialing out:Suggests smooth sailing.

People dreaming of earthworms and maggots in their bodies means that although there are ups and downs in their luck:They still have financial gains and are considered to be in good health.

People dreaming of earthworms drilling into the body and then dialing out in the current year of life means that if you are persistent and tolerant in all matters:You will have smooth sailing. Be careful to prevent the disaster of injury.

If you dream of pulling earthworms out of your body:You are advised to delay your trip if you get stuck on the way.

People in love dreaming of earthworms drilling into their feet suggests that a matchmaker's help could lead to marriage.

A traveler dreaming of earthworms in the nose is advised to choose another date for departure.

Pregnant people dreaming of pulling earthworms out of their bodies predicted the birth of a daughter:Be careful with water and fire, and guard against moving the fetus.

Dreaming of earthworms drilling into the body and then pulling them out:Implies that the results in science subjects are not satisfactory, failing to be admitted.

Dreaming of earthworms drilling the body of rice with earthworms:You love to calculate these two days, whether in public affairs or feelings, it is easy to hear your name is to fight for the rights and interests, but listen carefully to the hidden meaning behind the just don't want to have to pay, but to get the same as the other efforts of the people, and even more pay, the attitude of the small-minded invites all the people's displeasure.

A person who goes to school dreaming of pulling many earthworms out of his body implies that he is not able to concentrate and cannot fulfill his wishes.

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