What does dreaming of dad passing out and fainting symbolize?

A pregnant woman dreaming of her father fainting and collapsing predicts the birth of a daughter.

If a person in love dreams of his father fainting and fainting:It means that if they can get along with each other, their marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of father fainting and fainting:On behalf of successful wealth, not to expand investment, old-fashioned money-making.

People dreaming of seeing their father fainting and fainting in the current year implies that the first loss is followed by gain:And that the life of the civil servants is stable and smooth as expected.

Dreaming of dad fainting and fainting:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is black, the wealth position is in the southeast direction, the peach blossom position is in the northwest direction, the lucky number is 9, the lucky food is yam.

If a pregnant person dreams that her father fainted and fainted:She will give birth to a daughter, and she should exercise moderation.

Those who went to school dreamed that their father fainted at work:Their grades are poor and unsatisfactory, failing to fulfill their wishes.

People who go to school dreamed of father fainting:One subject arts is slightly poor, does not affect admission results.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her father fainting in hospital predicts the birth of a boy. A girl born in June or July:Delayed birth, peace.

People dreaming of seeing their father in a coma implies poor performance in liberal arts:But does not affect admission results.

People who go to school dreaming of father fainting from poisoning:Means poor performance in liberal arts, difficult to be admitted.

People who go to school dreaming of father suddenly fainting:Means poor performance, but better than before.

People dreaming of seeing their father fainting and entering the hospital with brain hemorrhage:Means that they can expect to be admitted to the university, and their grades in science are not good.

Pregnant people dreaming of father fainting from poisoning:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, related to ancestral graves.

Doing business dreamed that dad fainted:Hardware and machinery industry gains the most profit.

Pregnant person dreamt of ex-husband carrying fainted father home:Giving birth to a daughter in autumn, be careful to prevent childbirth.

Doing business dreamed dad hospitalized in coma:On behalf of unstable operation, insufficient publicity, cautious against small person trap.

Doing business dreamed that his father woke up in a coma:On behalf of the obstacle is very difficult to operate, lose and stop business.

Travelers dreaming of seeing their father fainting:Suggests traveling smoothly as expected.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing their father in a coma:Foretelling the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, preventing the movement of the earth to move the fetus.

Doing business dreamed that ex-husband carried fainted dad home:Can't be hasty, can't be negligent, otherwise make a mistake.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing their father critically ill unconscious:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring accounted for the birth of a man, don't overwork and injure your body.

Doing business dreamed that his father fainted:Representing the beginning is a little good, the midway fluctuation, the final loss.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing their father unconscious:Predicting the birth of a daughter, more nutrition during pregnancy. Do more light exercise.

Those who dreamed of seeing their father fainting on a trip:In case of rain, the journey will stop and be postponed.

Travelers dreaming of dad fainting:Wait for the opportunity, postpone the trip for three days.

Traveler dreaming of dad fainting:Suggest rainy weather, postpone travel for a few days.

Pregnant people dreaming of father vomiting blood and fainting:Predicting the birth of a male child, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People dreaming of traveling saw dad spitting up blood and fainting:Suggesting that nobles help, traveling as expected auspicious.

Doing business dreamed of father fainting:Represents smooth as expected, be cautious of accidental loss.

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