What do you dream of eating?

A man dreaming of eating tomatoes will have good luck. A married woman dreaming of eating tomatoes will have good health. An unmarried woman dreaming of eating tomatoes will find a strong and healthy husband. An unmarried man dreaming of eating tomatoes will marry a gentle and considerate wife.

An unmarried woman dreaming of eating rice is in a particularly happy mood because she has made a lot of money. A married woman dreaming of eating rice will go into labor. An unmarried man dreaming of eating rice will soon tie the knot. A sick man dreaming of eating rice will soon recover.

Dreaming of eating walnuts:Will have no body.

A man dreaming of eating rice will be rich and famous.

A man dreaming of eating radish will make good friends. A married woman dreaming of eating radish will soon get pregnant and give birth to a girl. An unmarried man dreaming of eating radish will marry a shrew. An unmarried woman dreaming of eating radish will marry a poor husband. A male patient dreaming of eating radish will slowly recover his health.

A dream of an old man eating ice-cream gourd will lead to a long and healthy life.

A pregnant woman dreaming of eating would foretell the birth of a daughter:And it is forbidden to move earth in the south.

Dreaming of eating a large piece of meat:Foretells a possible increase in income.

To dream of eating pickles:Health will deteriorate.

To dream of eating pickles:Foretells that one will encounter the same difficulties as eating pickles.

When a pregnant person dreams of picking dates and eating pears:It foretells the birth of a daughter, who is just pregnant, and will harm goodness and take care of her body.

Dreaming of eating walnuts will make you sick all over.

Dreaming of someone eating a pie:Disaster will be imminent.

A sick person dreaming of eating pears:Foretells that the disease in his body will be more powerful.

To dream of eating a flying mouse means that one is on the verge of admission.

Dreaming of eating moon cake:Good omen, means family will be reunited.

An unmarried man dreaming of eating radish will marry a shrew.

A married woman dreaming of eating turnips will soon get pregnant and have a girl.

To dream of eating flour cake:Your health will deteriorate.

To dream of eating ham:Denotes that you will lose something of great value.

To dream of eating sour dates:Is an ill omen that you will suffer from stomach trouble.

To dream of eating dried radish is an auspicious omen; you will make good friends.

For a school going person to dream that a snake eats a panda or a fish eats a panda:Means a slightly poor performance in science, which will affect the admission score.

Dreaming of a snake eating a panda or a fish eating a panda means that you will not get the grades you want.

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