Dreaming of green mountains and rivers

When a businessman dreams of green mountains and rivers:It means that he will be able to gain profits, and his big investment or expansion will go smoothly.

Pregnant people dreaming of green mountains and rivers:Foretelling the birth of a boy, spring occupying the birth of a girl, be careful to prevent the fetus is too heavy, difficult labor.

People in love dreaming of green mountains and rivers:Indicating that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

People dreaming of green mountains and rivers:Means that nobles help, have confidence, smooth financial success.

People dreaming of mountains and rivers:Encountering wind and rain will delay the trip.

Pregnant people dream of mountains:Rivers, lakes and seas, predicting the birth of a daughter, more nutrition during pregnancy. Do more light exercise.

Doing business dreamed of the sea:Mountains and rivers, on behalf of the faithful treatment of people, smoothly get wealth, slowly progress.

Pregnant people dreaming of flooding mountains and rivers:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring accounted for the birth of a man, pay attention to nutrition.

People in love dream of mountains and rivers:Temperament intolerance, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of mountains and rivers:On behalf of slow progress, making money in real estate.

Pregnant people dreaming of mountains:Rivers and the black sea, foretelling the birth of a man, the fall occupies the birth of a woman, the body more maintenance.

Doing business dreamed of jumping mountains and rivers:On behalf of although not yet stabilized, but already smooth on track.

Doing business dreamed of mountains:Rivers, lakes and seas, representing at first not good, gradually smooth to get wealth.

Travelers dreaming of mountains and rivers suggest a smooth departure:But be careful in case of wind.

Doing business dreamed of rivers and mountains:Represents smooth wealth, careful to prevent villainous framing, a little change.

People in love dream of jumping mountains and rivers:Suggests that although some small mouth have, misunderstanding open marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming of big rivers and mountains:Indicating that heart to heart, to mutual respect and mutual trust, marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of the sea:Mountains and rivers, foretelling the birth of a daughter, do not do heavy work.

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