What is the omen of the magnolia tree

People doing business dreaming of sunlight through a cluster of magnolia trees:Not to be carried out, wood industry is unfavorable, water trade is smoother.

Those who are traveling dreamt of magnolia flowers:Suggesting delaying the departure for a few more days.

A traveler dreaming of a lot of red magnolia flowers suggests delaying the trip.

A pregnant person dreaming of magnolia flowers:Giving birth to a girl, no boy. Caution against miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of red magnolia flowers foretell the birth of a daughter:Beware of water and fire.

People traveling dreamed of snow covering magnolia flowers:Advised to stop delaying the trip in case of wind.

A traveler dreaming of a long:Horizontal magnolia bud suggests delaying the trip.

People who go to school dreaming of magnolia blossoms blooming:Can't pass the exam, try harder later.

People who go to school dreaming of magnolia blossoms:Means there are ups and downs, have patience, finally as you wish.

People who do business dreaming of magnolia petals:Representing profitability and wealth. Prevent lawsuits.

For a businessman to dream of a lot of red magnolia flowers:Represents removing old vices and reorganizing business.

A pregnant woman dreaming of magnolia blossoms predicts a male child in spring and fall:And a female child in summer.

If a traveler dreams of magnolia blossoms:He will have a safe and smooth journey, and it is better not to change the journey.

People in love dreaming of magnolia blossoms:Both sides communicate with each other, can be married.

People in business dreamed of magnolia flowers:In real estate gained a lot of wealth and profit.

If you dream of seeing magnolia flowers blooming on a tree:You should abide by the rules of traveling. Do not change your journey.

For a businessman to dream of magnolia blossoms:Represents a lot of ups and downs and obstacles to a successful business.

Those who are traveling dreamed of magnolia petals:Suggest postponing or changing the date due to a temporary accident.

People dreaming of a lot of red magnolia flowers mean that they will not be admitted to a school.

People in business dreaming of magnolia flower cake:Successful in obtaining wealth, cautious against lawsuits, should not be expanded.

People in love dreaming of red magnolia flowers:Means after many tests, can hope to get married.

People who are traveling dreamed of white magnolia stamens:Suggested to be careful of water and fire, can get peace.

Pregnant people dreamed of picking pink magnolia flowers:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and avoiding earth moving in the south.

Those who traveled dreamed of trees full of wide magnolia flowers:Suggest that it is best to delay before going out.

Travelers dreaming of purple magnolia flowers:Suggests fire and water next to be careful, postponed to go out.

Pregnant people dreaming of a tree full of magnolia blossoms would give birth to a male child; both mother and child would be weak; beware of miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of picking magnolia flowers predicts the birth of a male in the fall and a female in other seasons.

Those who dreamed of picking magnolia flowers suggested a smooth trip:A little gossip, do not pay attention to it.

Doing business dreamed of picking magnolia flower:Representing unfavorable financial loss, suitable to keep the old, not to re-invest.

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