What does it mean when you dream of ignoring

People who go to school dreaming of ignoring means not getting the grades you want.

People who go to school dreaming of a teacher ignoring me:Do not get good grades and are not accepted.

People who go to school dreaming of heterosexual friend ignoring me:Poor arts, unsatisfactory grades.

Going to school dreamed of ignoring sister-in-law:Implies unstable emotions, unsatisfactory grades.

Going to school dreamed of boyfriend ignoring:Pre-test preparation is important, examination luck is not ideal.

Going to school dreamed of husband ignoring me:Means grades are not ideal, but better than before.

Going to school dreamed of lover ignoring me:Means achievement is not ideal, arts is poor, difficult to reach the wish.

People dreaming of seeing their lover ignoring them:Bad luck in exams, unsatisfactory results, fall exams are favorable.

School people dreaming of daughter-in-law ignoring:Means autumn accounted for favorable, the results are not ideal, difficult to achieve as desired.

People who go to school dreaming of a coworker ignoring me:Means many obstacles, examination results are not ideal.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing a favorite person but he ignored me:Implies many obstacles, examination results are not ideal.

School dreamed of seeing a former boyfriend ignoring me:Emotional instability, unsatisfactory grades.

Going to school dreamed that young girl ignored me:Means performance is not ideal, oral examination failed, failed to be admitted.

Going to school dreamed of seeing a friend ignoring me:Oral examination or science results are less satisfactory, affects admission.

Going to school dreamed that lover ignored me:Test preparation is very important, examination luck is not ideal.

School people dreaming of boyfriend ignoring me:Implies that science results are less satisfactory, failing to fulfill one's wish.

People who go to school dreaming of cousin ignoring me:Means arts is a little worse, the results are not ideal, have a chance to come back.

People who go to school dreaming that their roommate who is not on good terms ignores me:Two subjects are not ideal, come back next year.

People who go to school dreaming that their boyfriend ignores them means that their grades in science subjects are less satisfactory and they fail to fulfill their wishes.

Going to school dreaming of driver ignoring:Means exam luck is not good, results are not ideal, fall exam is favorable.

Going to school dreamed of often husband ignores me:Means achievement is not ideal, fails to get on the list.

Going to school dreamed of telephone interview unsatisfactory:Implies poor results, unsatisfactory, fails to achieve as desired.

Going to school dreamed that I did poorly in an examination:Means emotionally unstable, unsatisfactory results.

School going person dreaming of calling out loud for mom mom ignoring me:Insufficient preparation, unsatisfactory grades, difficult to be admitted.

Going to school dreaming of having an unsatisfactory rank in a test means poorer arts:Unsatisfactory grades.

School people dreaming of boyfriend sitting in classroom and ignoring me:Means failing to concentrate and getting unsatisfactory grades.

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