Dream:Fighting and seeing blood

A traveler dreaming of a father and son fighting and seeing blood is advised to have a smooth journey.Traveling people dreaming of seeing people fighting and seeing blood... Read more

I dreamt he kissed me

People who are traveling dreamed that my dad kissed me then I hit him:Postpone going out for a few days.Traveling person dreamed that boyfriend hugged me and I kissed him... Read more

Dreams about sending someone candy

A traveler dreaming of sending someone candy suggests a smooth round trip and a safe journey.Traveling people dreaming of me sending others candy:Suggests autumn to go le... Read more

What are the omens of lesbianism

A traveler dreaming of lesbianism:Postponing a tripA person who goes to school dreaming of a lesbian woman gets admitted to the desired school as expected.A pregnant pers... Read more

Dream:Car ran out of gas

A traveler dreaming of a lover's car running out of gas is advised to have a smooth round trip.Traveling people dreaming of a car running out of oil:Suggests going less i... Read more

Dream about your own mom dying

A traveler dreaming that the mom of a boy who likes him is dead suggests postponing the tripA traveler dreaming that his living mother died is advised to go less in the f... Read more