Dream:Cut by someone

A traveler dreaming of being cut on the face is advised to depart as auspicious as expected.A pregnant person dreaming of having her neck cut predicts the birth of a male... Read more

What does big mirror mean?

A traveler dreaming of large mirrors suggests delaying departure in case of wind.A traveler dreaming of many large mirrors is advised to change the date of departure.A tr... Read more

What does a lot of mirrors mean

A traveler dreaming of many large mirrors is advised to change the date of departure.A traveler dreaming of many mirrors hanging on a wall suggests postponing another tri... Read more

Dream about squeezing pimples

A pregnant woman dreaming of squeezing a pimple and rotting her face predicts the birth of a male child:Do not move the fetus.People traveling dreaming of squeezing a pim... Read more

Dreaming of blood on face

To dream of bleeding from the face will bring good luck.A businessman dreaming of bleeding from an injury to his face will fail in his marriage.A pregnant woman dreaming ... Read more