Dreaming that your tools are broken

A pregnant person dreaming that her tools at work are broken predicts the birth of a male child:Do not move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming that her tools are broken predicts the birth of a male:The mother is unfavorable, careful care.

Doing business dreamed that his tools were broken:Representing too many obstacles, can not go smoothly, must be reorganized and then start.

People in business dreaming of their tools breaking down at work:Representing big losses and unfavorable fortune, should be guarded.

People who go to school dreaming of their tools breaking down:Means poor performance in the oral examination, there is hope for admission.

Dreaming of changing to a new classroom to listen to the lesson:This two days want to find friends to chat or invite friends to go out together, however, traffic delays or some small situation, may make you originally leisurely and happy mood to the broken! Holiday trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is easy to have the situation, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as to avoid accidents, bad mood of their own leisure.

People who go to school dreaming of tools broken:Means that the results are ideal, on the verge of admission, it is appropriate to make more efforts.

Dreaming of running in the forest:This two days want to find a friend to chat or invite friends to go out together, however, traffic delays or some small conditions, may make your original leisurely and happy mood to the bad! Holiday trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is easy to have a situation, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as to avoid accidents, bad mood of their own leisure.

People dreaming of working with tools broken:Means that your help smooth as expected, be careful to guard against small people backstabbing.

People in love dreamed of tools broken:Suggests a movement, a cold, a hot, mutual trust can be expected to succeed.

Dreaming of rice is bad:Into the you are not very suitable for going out, if you must go out, try to take the usual common transportation better, change the words is expected to encounter route changes and other trouble.

Dreaming of a corpse:This two days want to find a friend to chat or invite friends to go out together, however, traffic delays or some small situation, may let you originally leisurely and happy mood to the bad! Holiday trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is prone to conditions, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as to avoid accidents, bad mood of their own leisure.

This year's people dreamed that their tools for work are broken:Means going out carefully, be careful against thugs, five years of bad luck.

Traveling people dreamed of being scratched by a car and broken shoes:Suggesting transportation failure, postponing the trip is good.

Dreaming of playing cards with friends lost:This two days want to find friends to chat or invite friends to go out together trekking, however, traffic delays or some small conditions, may make you originally leisurely and happy mood to the broken! Holiday trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is easy to have the situation, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as to avoid accidents, bad their own leisurely mood.

Dreaming of other people catching fish:This two days want to find friends to chat or invite friends to go out together, however, traffic delays or some small conditions, may make your original leisurely and happy mood to the bad! Holiday trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is prone to conditions, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as to avoid accidents, bad mood of their own leisure.

Dreaming of other people to eat:This two days want to find friends to chat or invite friends to go out together, however, the traffic delay or some small situation, may let you originally leisurely and happy mood to play bad! Day trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is prone to conditions, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as to avoid accidents, bad mood of their own leisure.

This year's people dream of their tools broken:Means going out to be careful of car accident injury, blood, the fall is unfavorable.

Dreaming of tools broken:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky number is 4, peach blossom bit in the south direction, wealth in the southwest direction, lucky color is blue, lucky food is turtle.

Dreaming of a dead man looking at himself stupidly:This two days want to find friends to chat or invite friends to go out together trekking, however, traffic delays or some small conditions, may let you originally leisurely and happy mood to play bad! Day trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is prone to conditions, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as not to accidental conditions, bad mood of their own leisure.

Dreaming of his boyfriend was beaten disabled:This two days want to find friends to chat or invite friends to go out together, however, traffic delays or some small conditions, may make your original leisurely and happy mood to the bad! Holiday trip, it is inevitable that the traffic is easy to have the situation, if you are worried about the traffic is not smooth, you can change the use of mass transit, so as to avoid accidents, the bad mood of their own leisure.

Travelers dreaming of navel broken:Suggesting that transportation failure, postponing the trip behavior good.

Travelers dreaming of a broken tool for work:Suggest postponing the trip.

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