Dream:Riding a flying fish

A pregnant woman dreaming of riding a flying fish is predicting the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in the spring, and her emotions should be stabilized.For t... Read more

What is the omen of a burning tree?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a fire burning down a tree predicts the birth of a daughter:But beware of miscarriage.A dream of a fire burning down a tree means unstable em... Read more

What does wash water cup mean

People who are traveling dream of washing broken water cups:Suggest bad mood, less go out for good.A pregnant woman dreaming of washing a glass of water predicts the birt... Read more

Dreams about the subconscious mind

To dream of writing generally represents communication between the subconscious and the conscious mind.To dream of writing generally represents communication between the ... Read more

Dreams about being followed

A traveler dreaming of being followed and killing the person following him is advised to postpone going out if there is a storm.A pregnant person dreaming of being follow... Read more

What teenage girl manga stands for

Dreaming of touching a young girl is a day when you need to restrain your imagination! Even though your sense of happiness and joy for the next two days stems from it:Let... Read more