Dreaming of a pile of black soil

People who go to school dreaming of a heap of black soil:Not as good as expected, can not be admitted.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a pile of black soil will give birth to a baby girl:Avoid moving the earth to prevent miscarriage.

People dreaming of traveling dream of a pile of black soil:Stopping in case of wind, postponing departure.

Doing business dreamed of a pile of black soil:Don't listen to rumors, there is wealth and profit can be obtained, good luck.

People in love dreamt of a pile of black soil:Mutual understanding, sincere treatment, marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of money a bunch of piles:On behalf of the time profit, big investment or expand also smooth.

Traveling people dreaming of a bunch of us surrounded by a bunch of big snakes:Suggest going out with many twists and turns, postpone going out.

A traveler dreaming of a pile of dead people suggests going out smoothly as scheduled.

Pregnant people dreaming of a bunch of us surrounded by a bunch of big snakes:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoiding earth moving in the south.

A businessman dreaming of a heap of black soil represents loss due to bad faith or a friend's betrayal of trust.

Dreaming of a pile of black soil:According to the Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is green, the wealth position is in the south direction, the peach blossom position is in the southeast direction, the lucky number is 0, the lucky food is almonds.

People who go to school dreaming that they pooped a bunch of piles of poop means that there are many obstacles:But they will be admitted in the end.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a pile of snakes and a pile of worms predicts the birth of a daughter; a man in spring prevents miscarriage.

Travelers dreaming of a pile of straw:Suggesting a smooth trip, a little gossip, do not care about it.

Travelers dreaming of a pile of hair on the ground:Suggests a smooth and safe trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of piles and piles of coal:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful not to move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a pile of poop predicts the birth of a boy in the fall. Don't chop down trees:It will move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a pile of dung and a pile of bonobos predicts the birth of a daughter; a male child in winter is feared to be unprotected.

A traveler dreaming of a pile of ants on the ground is advised to be careful of fire and postpone the trip.

When a businessman dreamed of a pile of bean sprouts:It represented a lot of losses in business, and it would be better for him to retreat and defend.

People dreaming of a pile of dung and a pile of bonobos means poor performance in science:Affecting the admission score.

People in love dreaming of a pile of black soil dug by their father:Understand each other, no need for appearance modification, can hope to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of a pile of pine branches predicted the birth of a male:And the birth of a female in the fall, so be careful of miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing a pile of black soil dug by their father:Expecting a male child, and a female child in spring.

Traveling people dreamed of a pile of avenues a bunch of all fires:Suggest postponing the departure again, be careful when encountering water.

Pregnant people dreamed of a pile of sand:Predicting the birth of a boy, August accounted for the birth of a girl.

Doing business dreamed that a pile of black soil was dug by father:Have honest heart, unite efforts, career development.

Traveling people dreamed of a pile of piles of bean sprouts:Suggest that you can go out as scheduled, smooth.

Doing business dreamed of a pile of dead people:On behalf of luck is not good, profit is not good, can not expand investment.

Doing business dreamed of a pile of cucumbers:Representing ups and downs, suitable to keep. Autumn occupies favorable.

When a traveler dreams of a pile of dung and a pile of cucumbers:He is advised to change the date of departure in case of wind and rain.

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