What does dreaming about writing your own and your husband's name symbolize

A pregnant woman dreaming of writing her own and her husband's name predicts the birth of a daughter; a man in winter:Avoid moving earth.

A pregnant woman dreaming of writing her husband's name predicts the birth of a daughter. Be careful not to move the fetus:And avoid going to the West.

Those who dreamed of writing their husband's name suggested that it would be too hot for them to go:And that they should delay their departure for a few days.

People dreaming of writing their husbands' names mean that they should be cautious against official symbols:And that things will not go well, and it is better to guard than to advance, and that there will be a little wealth and profit.

People in love dreamed of writing their husband's name:Indicating that although there are small people from the destruction, misunderstanding can be clarified.

Traveling people dreaming of writing their own names are written not obvious:Suggests delaying a few days to go out for good.

Doing business dreamed of writing one's own name:On behalf of operating smoothly, making money benefit, just slower progress.

Those who dreamed of writing their names on a stone with their index fingers:Delayed departure for a few days in case of rain.

People in love dreamed of writing their own names:Indicating that if they can get along with each other, marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreamed of writing their own names:Suggesting that marriage could be expected.

People who are traveling dreamed that a mother is writing her son's name:There is no harm in having a wind, you can travel as scheduled.

A pregnant woman dreaming of writing her name with a red pen predicts the birth of a male child:A female child in the fall, peace be upon her.

Pregnant people dreaming of writing their own names incorrectly:Foretelling the birth of a girl, winter occupying the birth of a boy, preventing miscarriage.

A businessman dreaming of someone writing his own name represents a lot of ups and downs and obstacles:And a failure to operate smoothly.

Doing business dreamed of writing one's own name to write parents' name:Smooth as expected, not overconfident again big investment.

Doing business dreamed of writing one's own name with a brush:Representing smooth financial success and joy in making money.

Traveling people dreamed of monk gave wrote his name red envelope:Suggests should not go out, postponed to go again.

A businessman dreaming of writing his own name represents a loss due to untrustworthy words or a friend's betrayal of trust.

A pregnant woman dreaming of writing her own name predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in summer. Do not move the earth.

Dreaming of writing one's husband's name means joyfulness:Caution against joyfulness, caution against lawsuits.

Those who dreamed of writing their own names:Suggest that according to the original plan to be safe.

People dreaming of writing their names on a death certificate mean that they will not be admitted as they wish.

Pregnant people dreaming of writing their own names:Give birth to a male child, be cautious of difficult labor.

A pregnant woman dreaming of writing her name with a red pen foretells the birth of a girl.

People dreaming of writing one's name incorrectly represent a loss of business and need to reorganize and start again.

Travelers dreaming of writing their own names:Suggest that the weather is hot less go out, in the winter travel.

Pregnant people dreaming of taking their own blood to write their own names:Giving birth to a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, food caution.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of writing their names with a red pen:Representing slower progress and wealth.

People dreaming of writing their names in their own blood:Erratic, not smooth, be careful of fire and water.

School people dreaming of writing their own names are written not obvious:Means that the initial examination has ideal results, and later no good results.

People dreaming of writing one's own name write parents' name:All matters keep, not big investment, through this uneventful year.

Traveling people dreaming of writing one's own name with a brush:Suggest going out again after some days.

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