Dream:Sickness of one's relatives

A pregnant woman dreaming of her loved one getting sick is predicting the birth of a daughter.People who are traveling dreamed of seeing their loved ones getting sick and... Read more

Dream:Dining alone

To dream that you are dining alone:There will be a quarrel in your family.A pregnant woman dreaming of dining alone is predicting the birth of a daughter; drive carefully... Read more

Dream:Catching a big fish by myself

A traveler dreaming of catching a very large fish is advised to postpone his departure.A pregnant woman dreaming of catching a very large fish predicts the birth of a mal... Read more

What does two roosters mean?

A traveler dreaming of two roosters is advised to expect smooth sailing. Be careful on a hot day.A pregnant woman dreaming of two roosters predicts the birth of a daughte... Read more

Meaning of Dreaming of Bamboo

If a traveler dreams of bamboo thorns:It is better to postpone departure.A pregnant woman dreaming of a bamboo pricked by a narrow ear predicts the birth of a male child;... Read more