Dreams about the plague

A pregnant woman dreaming of the bubonic plague foretells the birth of a daughter:Beware of fetal demise.

Those who are traveling dreamt of the plague:Going out as scheduled, safe. There is a lot of talk and disagreement.

People dreaming of plague:No change of heart and good preparation, can be admitted.

People dreaming of the plague:Between advance and retreat, be careful in all matters, guard against villainy.

People dreaming of bubonic plague:The initial examination failed, again hope to be admitted.

Doing business dreamed of a white dog dying in the plague:Representing unfavorable operation, loss, and gambling addiction. Loss of wealth is unfavorable.

People dreaming of the rat plague in the current year of life:After a period of ups and downs, your help, smooth as desired to gain wealth.

If a person in his current year dreams of seeing bubonic plague bacillus:It means that most of the things are not going well, and it will be difficult to avoid the lawsuits, but the end of the year will be auspicious.

If a person in the current year dreams of seeing a white dog dying in the plague:It means that there will be quarrels and quarrels, and it is prudent to prevent the official from being punished or being imprisoned.

According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis:Wealth is in the southeast direction, peach blossom is in the northwest direction, lucky number is 2, lucky color is black, lucky food is yam.

The people who went to school dreamed of seeing their loved ones suffer from bubonic plague:Which means that they can hope to be admitted if they work hard again. You need to concentrate on your studies, and do not go outside.

People in love dreaming of a black cat dying in the plague:Suggests that a marriage between two people with stable careers and a salary class can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of plague-like:Give birth to a boy. If you are pregnant, you will give birth to a boy. If you are pregnant, you will give birth to a girl.

According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis:The lucky color is yellow, the wealth position is in the southwest direction, the peach blossom position is in the north direction, the lucky number is 3, the lucky food is cookies.

Doing business dreamed of plague like:Start harder, slowly smooth, the north get wealth south nobleman.

People in love dreaming of bubonic plague bacillus:Suggesting that mastering the timing of the proposal will be fruitful, marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming of loved ones encountering plague suffered an accident:Suggesting that there is a triangular relationship, must choose one of them, marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of a loved one suffering from bubonic plague:Predicting the birth of a male, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus to miscarry.

People in love dreaming of flooding and bubonic plague:Indicating that after a period of verbal dispute and then re-establish feelings.

People in business dreaming of seeing a loved one being harmed by the bubonic plague represents that although there are rumors:Ignoring them will naturally subside and money will be made.

People dreaming of seeing a black cat dying in the plague means that they should pull themselves together:Seek progress, forget the past, and gradually enter into good fortune.

People in love dreaming of the plague:Suggests that although there are quarrels without prejudice to the overall situation, it is appropriate to cherish more feelings.

Pregnant people dreaming of flooding and the bubonic plague:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus and miscarriage.

People dreaming of their loved ones being harmed by the bubonic plague means that they can break through the difficulties with firm confidence and get what they want.

People dreaming of the plague in the current year of life:Means to be cautious of small people framing, loss of money or physical insecurity.

Doing business dreamed of bubonic plague:Business development although very slow, to have patience, the best can be successful.

People in love dreamed of plague:Although stop for a period of time do not come and go, good communication has the hope of marriage.

People in love dreaming of bubonic plague indicates that there is hope if mutual misunderstandings can be clarified.

Dreaming of bubonic plague bacillus:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky number is 2, peach blossom position in the south direction, wealth in the southwest direction, lucky color is yellow, lucky food is mutton.

Doing business dreamed of loved ones encountered plague suffered misfortune:On behalf of peers to pick right and wrong, honesty can be no disaster.

Doing business dreamed of flooding and bubonic plague:On behalf of all matters of retreat, operating business loss.

People in love dreaming of loved ones being harmed by the bubonic plague:Indicating that as long as mutual trust, marriage can be accomplished. There are joyful celebrations in the fall.

People dreaming of flooding and bubonic plague:Means firm confidence can gain wealth and profit, don't believe rumors.

People dreaming of the rat plague in the current year of life means that everything will go smoothly and your people will help you. Real estate is favorable:Prevent friends from betraying trust.

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