How do you dream about a car crash?

A pregnant woman dreaming of a car accident will give birth to a male child:But be careful not to have a difficult labor.Traveling person dreaming of truck car accident:S... Read more

Dream:Friend hit by car

A pregnant woman dreaming of her friend being hit by a car is predicting the birth of a boy.If you are traveling and dream that your car is hit by someone else's car:You ... Read more

Dream:Child hit by car

A pregnant woman dreaming of a child being hit by a car is predicting the birth of a daughter; a man in winter is predicting the birth of a son; be careful not to move th... Read more

What's the sign of a car crash

A traveler dreaming of a car crashing is advised to go out smoothly:But be cautious of thieves.Pregnant people dreaming of a car crashing down and destroying a person:Pre... Read more