What does dreaming of many green dragons symbolize

Pregnant people dreaming of many green dragons:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent miscarriage at all times.

People in love dreaming of many green dragons:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of many green dragons:On behalf of the first to gain and then lose, it is advisable to guard not to re-invest or expand.

People dreaming of many green dragons in the current year means no big investment:Be careful to prevent villainous designing and framing, bad luck.

Dreaming of a lot of green dragons:The face of work / school and responsibility, you have some uncertainty look. The relationship will be confused because of some of the old things and puzzled.

Pregnant people dreaming of a clear river with many dragons in it will have good luck with a girl in spring and a boy in winter.

For those who go to school dreaming of riding a green dragon:It means poor grades in liberal arts, but it won't affect the admission results.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a green dragon in the western sky predicts the birth of a boy. A girl in July or August:Preventing miscarriage.

For a businessman to dream of a golden dragon:It means that he is unable to gain profit amidst many obstacles and plans again.

People in love dreamed of a green dragon:If mouth and tongue can be dissolved, mutual trust marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a red nine-headed dragon angry:Representing a lot of losses, re-organization, it is better to defend than to enter.

Those who dreamed of seeing many golden dragons on a trip suggest that they should go out smoothly after a few days of obstruction.

Doing business dreamed of green dragon's claws:On behalf of wealth and profit, do not be greedy for more and more, or lose.

Doing business dreamed of dragons this year's horoscope:On behalf of in many obstacles can not profit, and then planning.

Doing business dreamed of many golden dragons:Represents although smooth, progress is very slow, be careful to prevent being destroyed.

People who are traveling dream of seeing a clear river with many dragons in it; change the date of departure in case of storm.

People in love dreaming of many dragon avatars:Indicating that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

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