What does dreaming of catching a girl's breasts symbolize

People who are traveling dream of catching a girl's breasts:Suggesting water damage, more evil than good, advisable to postpone.

For a businessman to dream of grabbing a girl's breasts represents a slight obstacle in the midst of success.

Pregnant people dreaming of catching a girl's breasts:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, be careful to prevent miscarriage, do not see the killing of animals.

People in love dreaming of grabbing a girl's breasts:Suggesting that marriage may be accomplished, but postponing the wedding, auspicious celebration.

Those who dreamed of catching a girl's breasts implied that they should be especially careful during the oral examination:And had the hope of being admitted.

Those who traveled dreamed of being squeezed by a girl's breasts:Suggesting unfavorable going out, less going out is better.

A traveler dreaming of touching a girl's breasts is advised to postpone departure for a few days.

Travelers dreaming of touching a girl's breasts in a room:Suggests it is hard to find. Accidental injury on the way, ask to the west.

Pregnant people dreaming of being squeezed by a girl they have a crush on with their breasts:Predicting the birth of a boy, and the birth of a girl in summer. Summer heat more maintenance.

Those who are traveling dream of boys and girls' breasts:Proceed to departure as scheduled.

Doing business dreamed that I touched my favorite girl's breasts:Representing unable to support, advisable to keep, not big investment, loss of wealth.

Pregnant people dreaming of touching a girl's breasts in a room:Predicting the birth of a boy, a girl in the summer month, be careful to prevent accidents.

People dreaming of catching a little girl stealing means worrying about family matters and having confidence in handling things with dignity:And it will surely go well.

People in love dreaming of being squeezed by a girl with a crush with her breasts:Suggests that after many tests, you can expect to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of a girl catching a big fish:Foretelling the birth of a male, a female in the summer months, be careful to prevent accidents.

A businessman dreaming of a girl catching a big fish:Represents not being able to have a smooth business and not being able to deal with a person with the name of Lin.

A person who goes to school dreaming of touching a female student's breasts is admitted smoothly as expected.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a girl's breasts being pinched by a strange man gives birth to a boy. To give birth to a girl in June or July:Peace and success.

People in love dreamt that I touched the breast of a girl I like:Indicating that misunderstanding is resolved and then returned to good, marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming of a girl catching a big fish:Suggests that a woman's age is no harm, as long as mutual understanding is most important.

Doing business dreamed that a girl was pinched by a strange man's breasts:It is better to retreat and defend, not to expand, first difficult and then easy.

Dreaming of grabbing a girl's breasts:Nature will yield to immediate interests! Ideas down-to-earth you as your own goals, this two days have the ability to do well in this regard. Although some oppression, but at the same time can also be expected to obtain the corresponding reward. Romance, hazy premonition of things often have a few real, but still left to see some time is better, do not easily go to pick it.

Doing business dreamed of touching a girl's breasts in a room:Representing a lot of losses, re-organization, it is better to guard than to enter.

People in love dreamed of catching a little girl stealing:Suggesting a new start, concepts of accommodation, marriage can be accomplished.

A pregnant woman dreaming of catching a little girl stealing predicts the birth of a daughter:And a man in spring. Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

School goers dreaming of a girl's breasts being pinched by a strange man:Scores on the verge of admission, not very optimistic.

Pregnant people dreaming of touching a girl's breasts:Foretelling the birth of a boy, smooth, fireplace careful.

People in love dreamt of a girl's breasts being pinched by a strange man:If they can't trust each other, they will be scattered by a third party's sabotage.

People dreaming of touching a girl's breasts mean that there is change in everything:Change of occupation, change of address and success.

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