What does it mean when you dream of catching a fish?

A pregnant woman dreaming of catching a fish foretells the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in the fall (July or September).

For a businessman to dream of catching a fish represents an increase in wealth and manpower:But not as much as one would like.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a fish eating another fish predicts the birth of a boy.

People in love dreamed of catching a fish:Suggesting that for a small matter and quarrel, should explain the misunderstanding clearly.

People traveling dreamed of a fish eating another fish:Suggest to carry on according to the original plan, safe round trip.

People dreaming of a school trip dreaming of a group of fish with one fish dead:Suggesting that one should follow the plan and go back and forth safely.

People who go to school dreaming of a snake and a fish in the sea:Implying unsatisfactory results in science and failing to be admitted.

A traveler dreaming of three fish:One bigger than the other, suggests that it is not favorable to far profit, and delay going out again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a black mangrove snake and a fish predicts the birth of a male child in winter:And warns against miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of a fish biting another fish in the water is advised to delay going out for a day or two.

People in love dreamed of catching three fish and giving one fish to others:Suggesting disagreement and shaken confidence.

Those who are traveling dreamed that I caught a fish:Suggest going out smoothly.

A traveler dreaming that his mother gave me a fish suggests changing the date of departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a fish biting another fish in the water predicts the birth of a boy. A girl will be born in July or August; prevent miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of three fish:One bigger than the other, predicts the birth of a boy; guard against miscarriage and difficulty in raising a child.

If a person in love dreams of a group of fish and one of them dies:He/she can expect to get married.

For a businessman to dream of a snake and a fish:It means that the beginning is good, but the middle of the journey is uncertain, and the end will be a loss.

A traveler dreaming of catching three fish and giving a fish to someone else is advised to postpone the trip for a few days.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a fish and a snake predicts the birth of a male child; avoid moving the earth and moving the fetus.

A traveler dreaming of a fish being given to me is advised to postpone departure for a few days.

A traveler dreaming of dropping a fish:Postpone departure for a few more days.

Traveling person dreamed of picking up a fish:Suggest going out smoothly as scheduled.

People in business dreamed that a fish ate another fish:Representing good fortune, as expected, not to expand investment.

People in love dreamed of a fish eating another fish:Suggesting that it takes time to cultivate feelings, marriage can be accomplished slowly.

Those who are traveling dreamed of a small snake wrapped around a fish:Suggesting postponing the trip in case of rain.

People dreaming of three fish:One bigger than the other, means poor grades, next time you can expect to be admitted.

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