What does it mean to dream that you are in a fire and hear chanting?

A traveler dreaming of chanting Buddha's name and hearing the sound of chanting in a fire is advised to postpone the trip in case of rain or wind.

A pregnant woman dreaming of chanting Buddha's name and hearing the sound of Buddha's rosary in a fire predicts the birth of a male child:But the mother's body is unfavorable, so be careful.

If a person in love dreams of reciting the Buddha's name in a fire and hears the sound of reciting the Buddha's name:It suggests that a marriage can be accomplished if people are intolerant of each other's nature and tolerate each other.

People in business dreaming of reciting the Buddha's name and hearing the sound of reciting Buddha's name in a fire:Representing that the operation is not smooth and there is a slight change, but it will be better after three years.

A person dreaming of reciting Buddha's name in a fire and hearing the sound of reciting Buddha's name in the year of one's life implies that there is a house to live in and there is no need to worry:But it is not yet stable, so it is important to prevent lawsuits and lawsuits.

Dreaming of being in the fire and hearing the sound of chanting:And the other half out to take a break, but did not want to be all the way nagging - uncle sick, the family dog and the neighbor's family fight ....... heart annoyed, annoyed, looking forward to a long time of rest on the destruction of this way. Luckily, I got to know another handsome girl, chatting happily, finally have a little comfort, but be careful, foot in two boats is very dangerous Oh.

Travelers dreaming of Buddha statue chanting Buddha:Suggests that when the wind is postponed out.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing someone reciting Buddha's name:Suggesting to change the date of departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of chanting Buddha's mantra predicts the birth of a boy. In the fall:A girl is expected.

People dreaming of reciting the Buddha's mantra to save a person from a difficult situation in the liberal arts are on the verge of being accepted into the university.

People dreaming of hearing the recitation of the Buddha's mantra implies difficulties:Preventing villainous traps, loss of wealth and unfavorable luck.

People dreaming of hearing chanting Buddha's sutra in their current year of life means that their luck has turned a little:But not as they wish, and they will pass through the year in an even manner.

A pregnant woman dreaming of chanting Buddha's name predicts the birth of a girl:Not a boy. Be careful of miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of hearing the Buddha's rosary predicts the birth of a daughter; avoid moving the earth to move the fetus.

People in love dreaming of chanting Buddha's name:Suggesting loss of confidence due to petty sabotage, should consider more, can be married.

People who go to school dreaming of chanting Buddha:Means going to the North District examination, successful admission.

Those who dreamed of reciting Buddha's name while traveling:Suggest to proceed according to the plan, can get peace.

Travelers dreaming of chanting the Buddha's name:Suggesting that spring is feasible, while others will postpone the decision.

Pregnant people dreaming of chanting Buddha's words:Predicting the birth of a boy, spring and summer account for the birth of a girl.

Traveling people dreamed of danger is chanting Buddha:Suggests the wind and rain is big then postpone the travel.

A pregnant woman dreaming of reciting the Buddha's words in her dream predicts the birth of a boy. In summer:A girl will be born.

People in love dreamed of hearing the recitation of the Buddha's sutra:Suggesting that seizing the opportunity to propose marriage will be fruitful, and marriage can be accomplished.

People who are traveling dreamed of chanting Buddha for help:Suggesting that they can go out smoothly, and be careful against fire.

People doing business dreamed of hearing chanting Buddha:Represents beginning to gain profit, but later disagreement, recession is unfavorable.

Those who go to school dreaming of chanting the Buddha's name in a chanting machine implies that one's grades are not good enough to be admitted. Girls' school is favorable.

Those who are traveling dream that they often think of chanting the Buddha at night:Suggesting that there are great obstacles and delaying the journey.

People doing business dreaming of reciting Buddha's name in a Buddhist chanting machine:Representing financial gain, slow progress, no need to be optimistic.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing the sound of chanting Buddha's name:Suggest postponing the departure is better.

Those who dreamed of seeing the Buddha's recitation to save a person's life:Postponing the trip for a few days.

A pregnant woman dreaming of reciting the Buddha's rosary would give birth to a daughter.

Those who are traveling dreamed of reciting the Buddha's name on a plane:Suggesting that it is not advisable to go out, postponing the trip for a few days.

Dreaming of chanting Buddha's name:Good omen, will have good luck.

A person dreaming of chanting Buddha's name on an airplane in his current year of life implies smooth interpersonal relations and peace as desired.

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