What's the omen of picking up a cat and a dog?

Those who dreamt of picking up a cat and a dog on a trip will travel smoothly and on schedule.

People who go to school dreaming of picking up a cat and a dog:Poor liberal arts grades, affecting admission scores.

Doing business dreamed of picking up a cat and a dog:Not very smooth, have ups and downs, have confidence to break through difficulties.

Pregnant person dreamed of picking up a cat and a dog:Give birth to a male, fall occupying a female, moving earth damage tire be careful.

People in love dreamed of picking up a cat and a dog:To time to cultivate feelings, marriage slowly can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of a dog and a small snake:On behalf of the beginning of the year is not good, after the fall and winter smoothly get wealth.

Those who dreamed of giving birth to a cat and a dog suggested that they could leave as scheduled.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a dog and a small snake predicted the birth of a male child:But a female child was born in the fall, so be careful in case of fetal death.

People dreaming of having a cat and a snake in the current year of life:Roughly smooth, there is a mouth and a right and wrong, all have confidence, do not listen to rumors.

Those who are traveling dreamed of a white snake:A green snake and a goat, suggesting delaying departure in case of a thunderstorm.

A traveler dreaming of holding a cat and a dog in my arms suggests postponing the trip in case of a thunderstorm.

A traveler dreaming of holding a chicken and a dog in his arms is advised to go in winter:Or else postpone the departure.

A traveler dreaming of burning a cat and a dog with his own hands is advised to postpone the trip in case of a thunderstorm.

Those who dreamed of seeing a chicken and a dog in a school dreamed of failing to get a good grade in an oral examination.

A pregnant woman dreaming of keeping a wolf and a cat predicts the birth of a boy. A girl in June or July.

Traveling people dreamed of a dog picking up a piglet and a pigeon:Suggesting a trip for nothing, no gain, postponing the outing.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a cat and three dogs predicts the birth of a boy; the fall and August months account for the birth of a girl.

A traveler dreaming of a cat:A snake and a squirrel suggests a smooth journey.

A pregnant woman dreaming of holding a chicken and a dog in her arms predicts the birth of a girl.

A pregnant woman dreaming of picking up a dog and a cat predicts the birth of a daughter:And is related to ancestral graves.

A businessman dreaming of a dog picking up a pig and a pigeon:Represents a loss of money and property due to a deliberate attempt to hurt the businessman.

Pregnant people dreaming of a chicken and a dog:Giving birth to a boy, safe and smooth.

People who are traveling dreamed of driving and pulling a cat and a dog:Suggesting going out smoothly, stopping in case of wind.

People in love dreaming of keeping a wolf and a cat suggests that marriage may be expected. Don't let petty quarrels destroy the marriage.

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