What does it mean when you dream of playing drums without sound?

For those who are in love:Dreaming of playing drums without sound indicates that after many tests, you can expect to get married.

People dreaming of playing drums without sound:Represents a false reputation, many losses, should change industry.

For the safety of mother and child:It is better to wait for delivery in hospital.

People dreaming of playing drums without sound in the current year of life implies that treating people with loyalty and generosity will bring them peace and wealth:And it is better to abstain from smoking and drinking.

Dreaming of playing drums without sound:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is blue, lucky number is 6, the wealth position is in the north direction, peach blossom position is in the south direction, the lucky food is banana.

If a businessman dreams of beating a drum:It means that there is a slight obstacle in the middle of a smooth journey.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a bunch of birds in a bed without sound predicts the birth of a daughter; do not move the earth.

A pregnant woman dreaming of playing the erhu without sound predicts the birth of a daughter; prevent miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of playing drums is advised to return after a slight delay and not to change the itinerary.

Those who are traveling dreamed of others playing drums:Slightly delayed for a few days, can travel smoothly.

Pregnant people dreaming of others playing drums:Giving birth to a boy, winter occupying the birth of a girl. Be careful not to move the fetus.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of shouting but no sound:Represents planning well before proceeding, otherwise suffer failure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of playing gongs and drums predicts the birth of a boy. A girl will be born in August.

A traveler dreaming of asking for help without a sound suggests going out in the fall and postponing the trip.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being separated from her silently predicts the birth of a male child; a female child in the fall:Beware of miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of shouting without sound suggests a smooth journey.

A traveler dreaming of singing and playing drums suggests delaying the trip and choosing another date.

Pregnant people dreaming of playing drums and figures:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, preventing miscarriage.

Those who dreamed of seeing a blind man beating a gong and drums:Suggesting postponing the trip in case of rain or wind.

Those who dreamed of seeing a blind man beating a gong and drums to fetch me suggest postponing the trip for a few days in case of rain.

People dreaming of playing drums mean that they cannot concentrate on their exams and have little chance of being accepted.

People dreaming of businessmen dreaming of being separated from her silently:Representing bad luck, poor profits, and not expanding investments.

People dreaming of playing drums mean poor performance in science and failing to be admitted.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a pile of birds and sparrows with no sound predicts the birth of a daughter:Preventing the fetus from dying in the womb.

A traveler dreaming of playing drums with sound suggests stopping in case of rain and postponing departure.

Those who are traveling dreamed of being forced to speak without sound:Suggest unfavorable to go out, less go out for good.

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