What does the big wave hitting the body mean

A traveler dreaming of a big wave hitting his body is advised to postpone his trip in case of rain or wind.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a big wave hitting her body predicts the birth of a girl:Not a boy. Be careful of miscarriage.

For a businessman to dream of a big wave hitting his body:It means that he will first suffer a loss, then reorganize and operate again, and will be able to make a profit.

People in love dreaming of a big wave hitting their bodies:Suggesting willingness, honesty and marriage can be accomplished.

For those who dreamed of seeing a big wave hitting their bodies:It means that they cannot enter their ideal school as they wish. If you have confidence, you can start again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of water hitting her body predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in the fall. Beware of difficult labor.

Dreaming of big waves hitting your body:According to Zhouyi Five Elements analysis, lucky number is 9, peach blossom position is in the northwest direction, wealth position is in the east direction, lucky color is black, lucky food is mushrooms.

According to Zhouyi's five elements analysis:The lucky number is 4, the peach blossom position is in the southeast direction, the wealth position is in the south direction, the lucky color is white, and the lucky food is beef.

People in love dreaming of a big wave hitting their bodies:Suggesting that although they have the heart to love each other, they must go through a period of ups and downs before their marriage comes to fruition.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a high tide beating down on her predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in the fall.

Dreaming of rain but hitting my body:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is red, peach blossom position in the southwest direction, the wealth position in the west direction, lucky number is 4, lucky food is orange.

Pregnant people dreaming of big waves:Predicting the birth of a man, the fall occupying the birth of a woman, moving the earth to damage the tire to be careful.

People dreaming of a big wave hitting their bodies in the current year of life means that although there is wealth and profit:But the mood is uneasy, and it is advisable to pay careful attention to the official symbols.

Doing business dreamed of a pair of watermelons hitting the body:Representing the beginning of business smoothly, gradually downhill, no profit.

People dreaming of big waves hitting their bodies in the current year of life means that there are ups and downs:Unstable mood, all things have obstacles, be careful to prevent small people from reneging on their trust.

Doing business dreamed of big waves in the sea:Representing ups and downs and obstacles, it is advisable to pause for a period of time and start again.

This year's people dreamed of big waves hitting me:Means first loss and then gain, public official life is stable, smooth as expected.

People dreaming of water hitting their bodies in their current year means peace and happiness in peace and harmony:Or else quarrels and lawsuits.

Doing business dreamed of high tide big wave hit on me:On behalf of appropriate to keep not big investment, can get wealth and profit, the south is good.

Doing business dreamed of water hitting my body:Representing success and fame, money in and out, be careful.

Pregnant people dreamed of a big wave to shoot me to the shore:Predicting the birth of a man, the fall occupying the birth of a woman. Do not move the earth.

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