What does it mean when I dreamt that I got a real inkstone and shattered a fake

If you are traveling and dream that I get a real inkstone or a fake one:You are advised to get help from a nobleman and travel as you wish.

If you are pregnant and dream that I get a real inkstone and break a fake one:You are expected to give birth to a daughter and not to do heavy work.

If a person dreaming in the current year sees me getting a real inkstone and breaking a fake one:It means that all things are unfavorable and the plague of injury.

People who go to school dreaming that I get a real inkstone and break a fake inkstone means many obstacles:Unsatisfactory results, and difficult to be admitted.

People in love dreamed that I got a real inkstone and a fake inkstone:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished with honesty and sincerity.

Doing business dreamed of picking up an antique stone inkstone:Represents not getting the luck of the hour. The property should be careful, there is a loss.

Traveling people dream of Hu ink stone clear:Suggest that when the wind is stopped, delayed out.

Pregnant people dreaming of ink slabs and pearls may give birth to a male:A female in April or May, and a false alarm in summer.

I dreamt that I got a real inkstone mingled with a fake one:And I am particularly sensitive to my safety! Today will spend more time to consider the consequences of the behavior, will affect which people, what kind of reaction they will make, to their own advantage or have my, are things you will take into account. You may even take precautions in advance as a result!

People who go to school dreaming of a car purple inkstone means that they cannot get the grades they want.

Those who are traveling dream of a stone inkstone:There is wind and rain will stop, delay two days before going out.

People who go to school dream of a stone inkstone:Grades are not up to the ideal, can not be as desired.

People in love dream of Hu ink stone:Indicating that if they can get along with each other, marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dream of ink and inkstone:After many tests, can hope to get married.

People dreaming of ink slabs in this year of life:There are financial profits to be gained, but money in and out carefully, be careful against theft.

Those who are traveling dream of an ink slab in Pu Zhi:Suggest to change the ride, it is advisable to be careful of fire and water.

Dreaming I got a real ink stone mash a fake ink stone:According to the Zhouyi five elements analysis, the wealth position in the southeast direction, the peach blossom position in the direction of due east, the lucky number is 2, the lucky color is white, the lucky food is cabbage.

People dreaming of writing calligraphy in ink and inkstone in the current year of life:The first half of the luck is not good, the second half of the year to get wealth and real estate.

Travelers dream of buying ink slabs:It is recommended not to go out for good, bad mood will be out of things.

Pregnant people dream of ink stone:Give birth to a man, August to give birth to a woman, mother and child peace.

People who go to school dreamed of Pu Zhi ink stone:Means that the science results are not satisfactory, affecting the admission results.

Those who dreamed of traveling to see a group of ink slabs:Suggesting that a wind is stopping and postponing.

People dreaming of going to school dreamed of Wang Yan ink stone:Means that the ideal is too high, strength is not enough, hard to reach the wish.

Pregnant people dreaming of an ink stone:Predicting the birth of a male, spring occupying a female delayed a few days after delivery.

People who go to school dream of ink and inkstone:More difficulties for the first time, have patience and not afraid of failure, wait for the next admission.

People in love dreamed of ink stone:Suggesting that the timing of the proposal will be fruitful, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of yaoji ink and ink:On behalf of can't run smoothly, reorganize and then start again.

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