What is the omen of a snake eating a frog

A traveler dreaming of a snake eating a small frog travels smoothly and returns with a delay.

A traveler dreaming of a snake eating a frog by a seal:A smooth trip back and forth.

Traveler dreamed of self snake eating frog:Advised to travel as desired, bring rain gear.

A traveler dreaming of a cobra eating a frog in bed is advised to travel smoothly and feasibly.

A traveler dreaming of a cobra eating a frog suggests postponing the trip for a few days.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a white frog eating a snake predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is born in winter. Be careful when climbing up.

Doing business dreamed of boys snake eating frogs:On behalf of your help, in the predicament slowly change better.

Doing business dreamed of frogs being eaten by snakes:On behalf of smooth wealth, careful to prevent lawsuits, should not be expanded.

Pregnant people dreaming of frogs eating snakes and both of them dying:Predicting a woman, fall occupying a man.

Pregnant people dreaming of eating frogs from snakes:Predicting the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth to scare the fetus God is not good.

People dreaming of eating frogs and snakes represent that some people are sabotaging the business:But it does not affect the business, and there is wealth and profit to be gained.

People dreaming of a married woman eating frogs and snakes:Means poor performance in liberal arts, but does not affect the admission results.

Pregnant people dreaming of snakes eating frogs and bleeding:Predicting the birth of a male child, a female child in the summer months, preventing the birth of a fetus.

Pregnant people dreaming of snakes eating frogs foretells the birth of a male:Mother and child are both weak, beware of miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of a frog being eaten by a snake is advised to go out without harm:But there is a slight wind, so add some clothes.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a green snake eating a frog predicts the birth of a male in the fall and a female in other seasons.

People in love dreaming of a cobra eating a frog:Suggesting that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a snake eating frogs and mice predicts the birth of a boy. June and July give birth to a girl.

Doing business dreamed of frogs eating snakes eating half of them:Representing financial gain, operating slow growth, smooth as desired.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a frog being eaten by a snake predicts the birth of a boy. A woman will be born in July and August.

Doing business dreamed of snake eating frog dream:Represent smooth have financial profit, be careful to prevent friends backstabbing, robbing money.

Pregnant people dreaming of frogs eating snakes:Give birth to a girl, spring occupying a male, women's disease, it is advisable to maintain.

Doing business dreamed of snake eating small frog:Internal operation strengthen, after experiencing difficulties will be successful.

People who go to school dreaming of a mangy snake eating a frog clear water:Means unstable mood, unable to concentrate on reading, difficult to achieve aspirations.

People who are traveling dreamed of snake preparing to eat frogs:Suggest that you can go out as scheduled, be careful when encountering water.

Doing business dreamed that the snake ate the frog by the seal:Favorable fortune, socializing and entertainment should be careful.

Travelers dreaming of frogs eating snakes eating half of them:Suggest that it is best to find a companion to travel with, can go out.

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