What does a broken big tooth mean?

A traveler dreaming of a large tooth breaking is advised to change the date of departure.A pregnant woman dreaming of a broken tooth will give birth to a girl. In the spr... Read more

What does the critter stand for

Pregnant people dreaming of killing small animals by biting them on their backs predict the birth of a male child:Be careful with your diet and avoid moving earth.Traveli... Read more

Dreaming of a lizard biting someone

People dreaming of lizards biting people in their birth year imply that things are not going well:Ups and downs, and that you should be more cautious in your movements.Tr... Read more

Dream: Military dogs

A pregnant woman dreaming of military dogs predicts the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.Those who are traveling dreamed of military dogs:Suggests hinderi... Read more