What does it mean when you're pulling your own weeds

People traveling dreaming that they are pulling up weeds are advised to set out again next time.

For a businessman to dream that he is pulling weeds in a field:Represents a down-to-earth operation that will go smoothly as desired.

A pregnant woman dreaming of pulling up grass in front of her house foretells the birth of a daughter.

Doing business dreamed of pulling up grass:On behalf of do not over fatigue, into the wealth and the body insecurity.

People in business dreaming of pulling grass on a grave represents practical operation and smooth operation.

People dreaming of pulling grass in the water:Have perseverance, first bitter then sweet, matter of retreat.

Those who dreamed of pulling grass in a field suggest not to go out and choose another time and day to depart.

Travelers dreaming of pulling weeds in a park:Suggesting that it is better to go out less often and bring rain gear when going out after a delay.

Pregnant people dreamed of pulling grass:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, avoid moving the earth, moving the fetus.

School people dreaming of volunteering in a temple pulling grass:Means that the results of the liberal arts is poor, can not be admitted.

People dreaming of pulling grass in water:Good luck in exams, but hard work is more important, take care of your body.

A pregnant woman dreaming of pulling weeds in a cornfield predicts the birth of a daughter; she should not move the earth to move the fetus.

For a businessman to dream of pulling grass in a muddy field:It means that he will be rich, but he should not be greedy, or he will lose his fortune.

A pregnant woman dreaming of pulling grass in a field predicts the birth of a boy. A girl is expected in June or July:To prevent premature labor.

A traveler dreaming of pulling grass in a cornfield is advised to go out safely.

People dreaming of seeing classmates pulling weeds in the field implies poor performance in liberal arts and failure to be admitted.

People in love dreamed of pulling weeds and removing roots in front of their house:Suggesting that someone is sabotaging, handle with caution and don't misunderstand each other.

People traveling dreamt I saw my mother pulling weeds in front of her grave:Suggesting delaying departure in case of rain.

People in love dreamed of pulling weeds in a garlic field:Suggesting that they can't stand the test. Unable to accommodate, have to break up.

Pregnant people dreaming of helping to pull weeds in someone else's field:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and avoiding earth moving in the south.

Those who are traveling dreamed of pulling grass in front of someone's house:Suggesting a change of location or a change of date.

People in love dreamed of pulling grass in a field:Suggesting that there is no harm for women to be a bit older, as long as they understand each other most importantly.

A pregnant woman dreaming of pulling weeds in a park predicts the birth of a boy; spring and summer account for the birth of a girl.

For a businessman to dream of pulling weeds in a cornfield:It means to plan well before proceeding, or else suffer failure.

Doing business dreamed of pulling weeds in front of one's house:Representing unfavorable financial losses, it is advisable to keep the old, not to invest again.

Doing business dreamed of pulling grass with boyfriend and two friends:Representing some obstacles in the smooth or villainous, it is advisable to guard against it.

People in love dreaming of pulling grass on a grave indicates that they may hope to get married. Be frank and sincere.

A pregnant woman dreaming of pulling grass in the ground predicts the birth of a daughter; it would be better to move less:Or the fetus will be in bad shape.

For a person in love to dream of pulling up grass suggests an old husband and a young wife:With a big difference in age, making it difficult to get married.

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