What does it mean when a bird's egg falls from a tree and I catch it?

If you are pregnant and dream that a bird's egg falls from a tree and I catch it:You are predicting the birth of a daughter.

If you are in love and dream that a bird's egg falls from a tree and I catch it:It means that you can expect to get married after a lot of tests.

Doing business dreamed that the tree dropped bird eggs I caught:On behalf of profit has ups and downs and obstacles to slow progress, be careful to prevent lawsuits.

The person who dreamed that the tree dropped a bird's egg and I caught it:Means that although there is wealth and profit, be careful to prevent paperwork litigation or car accidents.

Dreaming of a tree dropped bird eggs I caught:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky color is red, lucky number is 8, peach blossom bit in the southwest direction, wealth in the west direction, lucky food is fish.

Doing business dreamed that the coffin fell down and I caught it:Representing the beginning of profit, and then disagreement, recession is unfavorable.

Doing business dreamed of flowers falling from the sky and I caught them:Representing loss of property, caution against fire and water, it is better to guard than to enter.

People who go to school dreaming of a baby falling from the sky and I catch it:Means that there are many ups and downs and the grades are not satisfactory.

Traveling people dreamed of someone else's bowl fell down I caught:Water and fire be careful, go out and pay attention to safety.

Doing business dreamed that a child fell down I caught:Represents business is not good, meet evil people damage, be careful to guard against small people.

The person who dreamed of seeing his son poop I caught with paper:Means smooth as desired to have wealth and profit. Be careful against lawsuits.

People who go to school dreamed of earthquake tree fell down I caught:Means autumn accounted for favorable, the results are not ideal, difficult to get as desired.

Doing business dreamed that someone else's bowl fell I caught:Twists and turns obstacles, advisable to pause for a period of time and then start.

Pregnant people dreamed of flowers falling from the sky and I caught them:Predicting the birth of a man, spring occupying the birth of a woman. Be cautious of miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of a baby falling from the sky and me catching it:Foretelling the birth of a girl, just pregnant, will harm good, body more maintenance.

People who dreamt of seeing a coffin fall and I caught it:Means that if you concentrate on your studies and don't waver, you will be successful in the end.

People in love dreaming of catching a son who fell from a tree:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished if you are of one heart and one mind.

A pregnant woman dreaming of catching her son falling from a tree predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the fall. Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

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