Dream:Eating ants

A pregnant woman dreaming of eating ants is predicting the birth of a daughter:Be careful when driving and do not move the fetus.For those who are in love:Dreaming of eat... Read more

Dreams about ant holes

People traveling dreaming of many ant holes and ants are advised to be careful in case of water and change their dates.For a person in love to dream of many ant holes and... Read more

Dreams about being bitten by ants

A traveler dreaming of stepping into an ants nest and being bitten by ants on the feet is advised to postpone departure in case of rain.If you dream of being bitten by an... Read more

Dream:Self talking to ants

A traveler dreaming of giving himself a talk to ants is advised to postpone his departure for the better.For a person who goes to school to dream of giving a talk to ants... Read more

Dreaming of ants on your body

People who are traveling dream of having ants on their bodies:Smooth as they wish and safe.A traveler dreaming of having a lot of ants biting on his body is advised to tr... Read more

What does ant swarm mean?

For a person who goes to school to dream of ants swarming to find the source of the ants means poor grades in science and failure to be admitted.A pregnant woman dreaming... Read more

What does ants on themselves mean

For a businessman to dream of ants on himself represents wealth and fortune.If you dream of ants on your body:You are advised to postpone your trip in case of rain or win... Read more

What is the omen of a pinched ant

A traveler dreaming of crushing an ant to death is advised to leave next time.A pregnant woman dreaming of crushing an ant predicts the birth of a male child:Don't move t... Read more

Dreaming of ants in rice

For those who dreamt of ants in rice:It represents a retreat from all matters and a loss of business.If you are traveling and dream of ants in your rice:You are advised t... Read more

Dreaming of being bitten by locusts

A traveler dreaming of being bitten by locusts on the leg should go out less often and postpone the trip.A pregnant woman dreaming of being bitten by locusts predicts the... Read more

Dreaming of moths in the house

People traveling dreaming of having many ants and moths in the house are advised to go out smoothly:But be careful of fire.People in love dreaming of many ants and moths ... Read more

Dreams about ants' nests

A traveler dreaming of an ant's nest full of ants is advised to postpone going out.If you are pregnant and dream of an ants nest with lots of ants:You are predicting the ... Read more

Dreaming of ants eating butter

To dream of eating butter means that you will be promoted.For a traveler to dream of eating butter cake:It suggests waiting for an opportunity and delaying the trip for t... Read more