What does it mean when your own child gets very poor grades

A dream that your child's grades are unsatisfactory means that poor grades in the liberal arts will affect your admission score.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her child's poor grades predicts the birth of a daughter:And the birth of a male in the fall.

Doing business dreamed that his child's grades were very unsatisfactory:On behalf of the old guard to gain favor, seek great loss of wealth, spring to get wealth.

People in love dreaming of their children's performance is very unsatisfactory:Indicating willingness, honesty and get along with marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of their children's performance is very unsatisfactory:Means that your people help both fame and fortune. If you are too strong and proud, you will get into trouble.

School people dreaming of child fall:Liberal arts results are not ideal, can not be admitted.

School people dreaming of getting a haircut is very unsatisfactory:Implies that the results of liberal arts are not good, affecting the admission.

For a school going person to dream of giving birth to a child and having it snow:Means not getting the grades as desired.

A dream of a school going man dreaming that his child is brought back from the dead means bad grades and not getting what he wants.

A dream of a child's hand being burned means failing to concentrate and failing to get good grades.

A dream of a school going person seeing his child vomiting blood means poor grades and difficulty in admission.

For a school going person to dream that his child carries a snake means unsatisfactory grades in arts or oral exams.

For a school going person to dream that it is not his child who is lost:Means emotional instability and unsatisfactory grades.

For a school going person to dream that his child ignores him means poor performance in science subjects.

A dream of a school going person seeing his child surviving and dying means emotional instability and unsatisfactory grades.

Going to school dreamed of taking a test with one's child:Initial results are not ideal, no need to be discouraged, try again.

School going person dreamed of college entrance examination very unsuccessful:Implies unsatisfactory results, difficult to be admitted.

A dream of a school going person that he gave birth to his child means unsatisfactory results in liberal arts.

A dream of a school going person seeing a woman abusing her child implies unsatisfactory grades and difficulty in admission.

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