Dream about two black butterflies

A traveler dreaming of two black butterflies is advised to have a smooth and uneventful trip.A pregnant woman dreaming of two black butterflies predicts the birth of a ma... Read more

Dream: Lost suitcase

To dream of a suitcase:Foretells a trip. To dream of a broken suitcase suggests that travel plans may come to an end.A pregnant woman dreaming of a lost suitcase predicts... Read more

Dreaming of traveling in the game

People in love dreaming of traveling in a game indicates that they understand each other and don't need to modify their appearance:So they can hope to get married.If you ... Read more

Dreaming of green leeks

People who are traveling dream of green oil leeks:Wind and rain is big then postpone the trip.People who go to school dreamed of green oil leeks:Will be close to the edge... Read more