Dreams about a cat pestering itself

A traveler dreaming of a cat pestering him is advised to follow a plan and have a safe trip.A pregnant woman dreaming of a cat pestering her predicts sabotage and difficu... Read more

What does a dog and a cat mean?

A traveler dreaming of giving birth to a cat and a dog is advised to depart as scheduled.A pregnant person dreaming of picking up a dog and a cat:Foretells the birth of a... Read more

Dream: killed a dog

A pregnant woman dreaming of killing a dog and a chicken is predicting the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Don't be too tired.People in business dr... Read more

Dreams about holding a cat

A traveler dreaming of holding a cat is advised to have a smooth journey.For a businessman to dream of holding a cat:It means that at first things will not go well, but g... Read more

Dreaming of almost strangling a cat

Those who are traveling dreamed of almost strangling a cat to death:A smooth round trip, don't stay in other places.People who go to school dreamt of almost strangling a ... Read more

Dream: Holding a cat and crying

A pregnant woman dreaming that I am holding a cat and a dog is predicting the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.If you are traveling and dream that I am ho... Read more

Dream:An ape and a cat in a house

A pregnant woman dreaming of a humanoid ape and a cat at home predicts the birth of a daughter and postpones the delivery.If you are in love and dream of an ape and a cat... Read more

Dream:Adopted a cat

A traveler dreaming of adopting a cat is advised to be cautious in all matters and not to be in a hurry to be safe.If you are pregnant and dream of adopting a cat:You are... Read more