Dreaming of repairing a building

Those who are traveling dreaming of others repairing a building:Suggesting to stop in case of rain and postpone departure.

Doing business dreamed of others repairing a building:Represents intermediary obtaining wealth, grasp the good opportunity.

Traveling people dreamed of repairing a lot of tall buildings:Suggests as scheduled departure smoothly.

People who go to school dreaming of others repairing buildings:Means can hope to be admitted, liberal arts more attentive.

People who are traveling dreamed of repairing a high building:Suggests that there is no harm in having a quarrel on the way, smooth round trip.

People in love dreamed of repairing a building:Suggesting that if misunderstandings can be resolved, the mirror can be reunited.

Doing business dreamed of repairing the floor of a broken building:On behalf of smooth financial success not to arbitrarily change or impulsive.

Pregnant people dreamed of repairing the speed building houses:Predicted that winter occupies the birth of a male, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of repairing a lot of high-rise houses:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female. Be cautious of miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of repairing a speed building:Representing the inability to concentrate on one thing, losing one thing and gaining nothing.

Doing business dreamed of repairing his own house:Representing financial gain, but more laborious, change the way of doing business is good.

People doing business dreamed of seeing their own unfinished building:Representing smooth but slow progress and caution against sabotage.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing someone repairing a building and getting the orientation wrong:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and a male in October.

People in love dreaming of repairing a new building:Suggesting that time is needed to cultivate feelings, and that marriage can be accomplished slowly.

Pregnant people dreaming of repairing a building without money:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, prevent miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of repairing a new building:On behalf of not expanding business, it is better to keep, stable can get wealth.

Travelers dreaming of repairing the outer wall of a building:Go out safely as expected (more companions with the same act is good).

Doing business dreamed of repairing a building on the main door with windows opening outward:Loss of money, suitable for guarding, not investing.

Pregnant people dreamed of repairing a building:Predicting the birth of a male in the fall and a female in other seasons.

Doing business dreamed of repairing a lot of tall buildings:Representing stable financial profits, not blind investment.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a building that has not been repaired predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the spring. Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of repairing a building with no money:Representing ups and downs in profits and many obstacles to slow progress, be cautious of lawsuits.

People dreaming of repairing a high building means that science results are poor:Other results are good.

People dreaming of repairing a building in the year of one's life means that spring comes as one wishes:But beware of bloodshed in the fall.

People dreaming of repairing a speedy building means caution against injury:Water and fire, be careful, go less to the south, luck is not good.

Pregnant people dreaming of repairing the floor of a broken building:Foretelling the birth of a woman in summer, the birth of a man in the fall, preventing burns.

Traveling people dreamed of repairing a building:Suggesting that if you have friends and relatives to travel with you, you are lucky, but be careful when you are on fire.

People in love dream of repairing a building:Suggesting that although there are small people from the destruction, misunderstanding can be clarified.

People dreaming of repairing the outer wall of a building in their birthday year:Do not compete with others in all matters, modesty, respect for teaching the wise, can solve the dilemma.

Traveling people dream of repairing a new building:Suggests several times of obstruction can not come true, winter can go out.

A businessman dreaming of repairing a building represents stable operation and no changes. Smooth:Not much money.

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