Dream:Lost wallet

A traveler dreaming of losing his wallet and finding his gold jewelry is advised to travel as scheduled.A pregnant woman dreaming of losing her wallet and cell phone pred... Read more

Dream about family wallet lost

A pregnant person dreaming that her wallet is rotten but her purse is lost:Foretells the birth of a daughter, and has to do with ancestral graves.To dream of losing a wal... Read more

Dreams about wallet lost meaning

For a person in love to dream of a wallet lost meaning:Suggests that after communicating with each other, a marriage can be made.For those who dreamt of losing their wall... Read more

What is the sign of a lost wallet

If you dream of losing your wallet:You will soon buy a house and land.A traveler dreaming of a lost wallet:Should not go out, postpone it.To dream of losing one's wallet:... Read more

What Does Lost Wallet Mean

If you dream of losing your wallet:You will soon buy a house and land.A traveler dreaming of a lost wallet should not go out:Postpone it.A traveler dreaming of losing his... Read more

Dreaming of a lost and found wallet

For a businessman to dream of losing and finding his wallet:It represents stable operation and no changes. It's a good business, not much money.A pregnant woman dreaming ... Read more

What is the omen of a lost wallet

A pregnant person dreaming of a lost wallet foretells the birth of a daughter:And avoids moving earth. Take good care of the mother.If a person in love dreams of losing h... Read more