I dreamt I fell off a cliff

A pregnant woman dreamed that I fell off a cliff:Giving birth to a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a girl, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Dreaming of me falling off a cliff in the year of our Lord:We should be careful not to let our friends betray our trust or lose their temper in the banquet.

Doing business dreamed I fell off a cliff:Product packaging should be strengthened, the current business is not up to ideal.

People in love dreamed that I fell off a cliff:Unstable mood, hot and cold, mutual trust marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of father fell off a cliff:Predicting the birth of a man, safe and smooth.

Traveler dreaming of child falling off cliff:Suggests smooth traveling to gain wealth and profit.

Traveling people dreaming of driving a car off a cliff but people are fine:Suggests going out smoothly.

Traveler dreamed of falling into a lake:Suggests going out smoothly and coming back safely.

Doing business dreamed I was in the cemetery others drove off a cliff:Represents smooth as expected, but in the smooth, be careful to guard against bad words, must believe untrue words.

Traveling people dreamed of falling off a cliff and died:Suggest smooth travel to get wealth and profit.

A traveler dreaming of falling off a cliff in a car is advised to come and go safely.

A traveler dreaming of falling off a cliff in a bus with a friend suggests proceeding to departure as scheduled.

Pregnant person dreamed of someone falling off a cliff:Foretells birth of a daughter, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreamed that the car I was traveling in fell off a cliff:Predicted the birth of a boy, be cautious of miscarriage, avoid moving earth.

A pregnant man dreamed of his wife falling off a cliff:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful not to give birth to a baby.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her wife falling off a cliff predicts the birth of a girl. Winter occupies the birth of a man.

Doing business dreamed that I five people drove off a cliff and died:On behalf of uncertainty, unfavorable fortune, not suitable to keep the old industry to get money.

Traveling people dreamed of cousin driving off a cliff and dying:Suggests a safe trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of a car crash off a cliff:Foretells the birth of a boy, don't go to the south.

Pregnant people dreamed of their car wanting to fall off a cliff:Foretells the birth of a daughter, to be restrained.

People in love dreamt of my car falling off a cliff:Suggesting misunderstanding, verbal disputes, as long as mutual understanding can be married.

People in love dreamed of falling off a cliff and breaking a leg:Suggesting that mutual understanding can lead to marriage.

People dreaming of traveling dreamed of someone falling off a cliff:Suggesting to stop if there is wind and rain, and postpone departure.

Pregnant people dreaming of her husband falling off a cliff:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a male.

Pregnant people dreaming of falling off a cliff and being rescued:Foretelling the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

This year's people dreamed of car car fell off the cliff before the cliff escape from the window:Means not promotion and salary increase, there is a tongue is right and wrong happen, ignore can also.

People in love dreamed that I five people drove off a cliff and died:Indicating that both sides communicate with each other, can be married.

Pregnant people dreamed of skidding off a cliff:Give birth to a daughter, diet more careful.

Traveling people dreamed of loved ones falling off a cliff and dying:Suggests that it is best to postpone departure.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing others fall off a cliff:Suggests going out safely as scheduled.

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