What does dreaming about talking to someone who has had a fight symbolize?

A traveler dreaming of talking to someone who has quarreled with him is advised to travel with the help of a nobleman and good fortune.

A pregnant woman dreaming of talking to someone who has quarreled with her foretells the birth of a male child; she is advised to avoid moving the earth to cause a miscarriage of the fetus.

For a businessman to dream of talking to someone who has quarreled with him:It means that his business will not run smoothly and he should start again after reorganizing.

People in love dreaming of talking to someone who has quarreled with them:Suggesting mutual trust, not listening to others to provoke right and wrong, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of talking to someone who has quarreled with them in the current year of life means big changes and big losses:And they should pay attention to safety when going out and traveling.

If a pregnant person dreamed of talking to someone she had quarreled with:A baby girl was predicted, and it was forbidden to move earth in the south.

Doing business dreamed of quarreling with a leader:Representing unable to support, suitable to keep, not big investment, loss of wealth.

Doing business dreamed of talking with quarrelsome colleague:Competition, failure to stabilize, loss of stolen treasure.

People who traveled dreamed of working for a quarrelsome boss:Suggesting big obstacles, postponing before leaving.

People in love dreamed of seeing a quarrelsome person giving me wine and rice:Suggesting that after many trials and tribulations, one may hope to get married.

Those who are traveling dreamt of having a fight with a quarrelsome leader:Suggesting too many traveling companions, changing the itinerary and postponing the return.

A pregnant woman dreaming of having a conversation with a quarrelsome colleague would give birth to a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a girl:Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of talking to people I have quarreled with:Foretelling the birth of a man, the fall occupying the birth of a woman, moving the soil damage to the fetus to be careful.

Dreaming of talking to someone I've quarreled with:According to the Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is green, the wealth position is in the south direction, the peach blossom position is in the southeast direction, the lucky number is 2, the lucky food is hazelnut.

Those who are traveling dreamed of making up with their quarrelsome girlfriends:Suggest going less in spring, but other smooth can go out.

Pregnant people dreaming of making up with a quarrelsome leader predicted the birth of a male child:A female child in the summer month, be careful with food and drink.

Pregnant people dreaming of quarrelsome people and I made up:Predicting the birth of a woman in summer, the birth of a man in the fall, preventing burns.

Traveling people dreamed of giving a quarrelsome boss delivery fight:Suggest that in case of rain postponement is better.

People on a trip dreamed of making up with friends who had quarreled:Suggesting rainy weather, postponing the trip for a few days.

People in love dreamed of making up with friends who had quarreled:Suggesting mutual understanding, no need for appearance modification, may hope to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of biting someone they had quarreled with still predicted the birth of a male child:And avoided moving the earth and moving the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of making up with someone she had quarreled with predicts the birth of a male child:A female child in the summer months, preventing the movement of the fetus.

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