What does Sheep Stolen mean?

A pregnant woman dreaming of sheep being stolen from her family is predicting the birth of a male child:While a female child will be born in April.If you are traveling an... Read more

Dreaming of a sheep on a rope

For those who go to school to dream of a sheep on a rope means that you will not be admitted as you wish.People who are traveling dream of dropping sheep on a rope:Sugges... Read more

Dreams about wolves fighting

A pregnant woman dreaming of fighting with wolves and being bitten by wolves will give birth to a daughter.Those who are traveling dreamed of fighting with a wolf and bei... Read more

Dream: Sheep burned to death

A businessman dreaming of burning a goat to death represents that it is advisable to retreat and defend oneself:And that a big operation will fail.If a pregnant woman dre... Read more

What is the omen of changing sheep

A traveler dreaming of a cow turning into a sheep is advised to have a lot of bad luck and have their belongings stolen on the way.A traveler dreaming of an old sheep sug... Read more

Dreaming of sheep in bed

People who are traveling dreaming of sheep in bed:Suggest that there are many obstacles and postpone the trip.Those who are traveling dream of being bitten by a sheep in ... Read more