Dream: Your son is going to die

If you are traveling and dream that your son is going to die:Delay your departure if there is a gale. Be careful at the water's edge.

Doing business dreamed that his son is going to die:Gain first and then lose, don't be greedy, can get smooth.

People in love dreaming of their son dying:Age female than male, after a storm before the end.

People who are traveling dreamed of their son dying:It is better to delay the departure.

Traveling people dreaming of their son dying:Suggest change of itinerary is better.

People dreaming of seeing their son dying of a serious illness:Bad science grades, deducted points in oral examination, can not be admitted.

People in love dreamed that their son is dying:Suggests disagreement, confidence shaken.

Doing business dreamed his son is dying:Represents intermediary get wealth, grasp good opportunity.

People dreaming of their son dying in the year of their birth:Means that caution in all things can be smooth, coincidental encounter with a nobleman to turn misfortune into good fortune.

Dreaming that his son is dying of a terminal illness:According to the Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is orange, wealth in the direction of the east, peach blossom bit in the direction of the west, the lucky number is 2, the lucky food is leeks.

People in love dream that their son is dying:If they can resolve the deadlock or misunderstanding, it will be a success.

People in love dreaming of their son dying:Suggests mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is promising.

A pregnant person dreaming that she is about to die predicts the birth of a male child.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing their son dying of a serious illness:Predicting the birth of a boy, August accounted for the birth of a girl, diet more regulation.

Pregnant people dreaming of her son dying:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth.

People dreaming of their son dying of a terminal illness:Means don't be anxious, don't be impatient, can get rid of a lot of worries.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her son dying predicts the birth of a daughter. In the spring:A male will be born.

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