Meaning of dreaming about poop on diapers

People who travel dreaming of diapers with shit on them:Suggest that you can go out as you wish, but be careful of thieves.

For a businessman to dream of diapers with shit on them:It means that at first things will go smoothly and smoothly, but later there will be more ups and downs.

Pregnant people dreaming of shit on diapers:Foretelling the birth of a boy, autumn occupying the birth of a girl, be careful to prevent fetal death in the womb.

People in love dreaming of shit on diapers:Suggesting that an old husband and a young wife, with a big difference in age, will find it difficult to get married.

People who go to school dreaming of shit on diapers:Means that the science results are not satisfactory, does not affect the overall situation, can be admitted.

People dreaming of businessmen dreaming of shit in bed and a lot of shit sticking to their hands:Representing that the intermediary gets wealth and grasps a good opportunity.

Travelers dreaming of sleeping with shit on one's ass:Suggests traveling as scheduled, smooth.

People dreaming of shit on diapers in the current year of life:Means less going to the water's edge, making money as an economist, making money in real estate and gaining profit.

People who are traveling dreaming of having shit on their body:Going out as scheduled and safe, postponing to return home only.

Pregnant person dreamed of daughter's diaper wet I change her diaper:Foretells the birth of a daughter, spring accounted for a man, water and soil not to stomach, avoid moving the earth.

Pregnant people dreaming of changing a child's diaper with feces sticking to it:Predicting the birth of a boy. In spring, a woman will be born.

Travelers dreaming of bird droppings on the body:Suggests that in case of rain, the trip will be postponed.

A traveler dreaming of changing a child's diaper with feces sticking to his body is advised not to travel and to postpone going out.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a child with feces on her body predicts the birth of a male child.

A traveler dreaming of having shit on her body is advised to go out safely.

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