Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming of Husband Wearing Another Man's Pants

A traveler dreaming of a husband wearing other men's pants is advised to travel as scheduled.

If you are pregnant and dream that your husband wears other men's pants:You are predicting the birth of a daughter.

People in love dreaming of husband wearing other men's pants:Suggests that although there are small people from the destruction, misunderstanding can be clarified.

School people dreaming of husband wearing other men's pants:Means that the oral examination results are poor, slightly affecting the admission results.

Doing business dreamed that her husband wore other man's pants:Represents loss of wealth is unfavorable, can not expand the operation, should be small not big.

Traveling people dreaming of husband letting another woman wear my shoes:Suggests postponing another date and then leave.

Doing business dreamed that another man wore flowery pants:On behalf of small business can have financial gain, progress slower does not matter.

Those who dreamed of seeing their husbands wearing other men's pants suggest postponing the trip if there is rain or wind.

People in love dreaming of another woman wearing husband's pants:Suggests frank and sincere treatment, mutual trust, marriage can be accomplished.

Traveling person dreamed of husband wearing my pants:Suggests smooth, no harm in going out.

Traveling person dreamed of husband wearing reverse pants:Suggests going out safely as scheduled.

Pregnant people dreaming of another woman wearing her husband's pants:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, avoiding earth moving, eating and drinking carefully.

Traveling person dreamed of husband wearing pants:As scheduled departure auspicious.

People dreaming of seeing husband wearing pants:Science and winter performance is not good, affecting admission results.

Doing business dreamed that husband wears my pants:Represents have wealth and profit, business slightly hindered, prevent lawsuit.

Going to school dreaming of wife being taken off pants by another man:Means after some hard work and difficulty finally can be admitted. Autumn into.

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