Meaning of a dream about a house full of beans

A person traveling dreams of a home with many beans and suggests a change of date for the trip.

People in love dreaming of a house full of beans suggests enthusiasm and exuberance:But beware of villainous sabotage.

Pregnant people dreaming of home with a lot of beans:Predicting the birth of a male, fall occupying the birth of a female, dietary caution.

School dreamed of home with a lot of beans:Means can not concentrate on the examination, the chance of admission is not great.

People dreaming of having a lot of beans at home:Representing not very smooth, loss of property, be careful to prevent the disaster of fire and water.

People who go to school dreaming of having a lot of cash in one's house:Can pass the oral reexamination and have hope for admission.

People dreaming of a lot of black beans in the current year of life means that all things are unfavorable:Be careful against official symbols and friends' betrayal of trust.

Pregnant people dreamed of a lot of black beans:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth.

Traveling people dreaming of many kinds of beans:Suggest postponing another date to go out.

A traveler dreaming of many peaches at a friend's house suggests many obstacles. Postpone the trip.

Businessman dreaming of many beans:The beginning of the business is unfavorable, and then by the destruction to find the attack can not be maintained.

Travelers dreamed of seeing many pigs in someone's house:Suggesting a safe trip.

Traveling people dreamed of a lot of cats in the house:One is very fierce, suggest next time to set out again.

Traveling people dreamed of someone's house has a lot of fat pigs:Suggest postponing the trip, something is bothering.

Pregnant people dreamed of having a lot of peaches at a friend's house:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful not to move the fetus.

Those who dreamed of seeing a lot of peppers in their father's house suggested a smooth and feasible journey.

Dreaming of having a lot of beans at home:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is white, the wealth position is in the southeast direction, the peach blossom position is in the due east direction, the lucky number is 2, the lucky food is bitter melon.

If a businessman dreams of seeing many kinds of beans:It means that although the business is not yet stable, it is already on the right track.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a lot of corn beans in their house predicted the birth of a boy. A girl born in June or July:Delayed birth, peace.

For a businessman to dream of picking beans:Represents that he cannot gain profit amidst many obstacles, and planning again.

People who go to school dreaming of a lot of corn beans in their house means unstable emotions and unsatisfactory grades.

People who are traveling dreamt of many corn beans in their house:Suggests smooth and safe as one wishes.

People who are traveling dreamed of many tomatoes in their mother's house:Suggests there is wind, delay before departure.

People who go to school dreamed of collecting a lot of beans:Implying that they are close to the edge of acceptance, and it is advisable to make more efforts.

People in business dreamed of spilling a lot of beans in their shoes:Representing that although there are obstacles, it will not affect the profitability, and it is better not to make any changes.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing a lot of pigs in other people's houses:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, preventing fetal death in the womb.

Pregnant people dreaming of picking up a lot of beans:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful during the first three months of pregnancy.

People dreaming of checking a lot of beans on the road:Means not to be impulsive, courageous but not resourceful, be careful to prevent small people from framing.

Pregnant people dreaming of a lot of beans:Spring and fall accounted for a man, summer accounted for a woman.

Pregnant people dreaming of many kinds of beans:Foretelling the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, the mother is safe, the son is unfavorable.

Doing business dreamed of his home a lot of corn beans:On behalf of not have a big investment, it is advisable to keep the old not home is advisable to enter.

People who are traveling dreamed of seeing a lot of animals in their house:Go out smoothly as expected, will be delayed for a few days in case of rain.

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