What's the sign of a ghost?

A traveler dreaming of someone meeting a ghost is advised to postpone his departure.A traveler dreaming of escaping from his home due to a ghost in his house is advised t... Read more

What does ghosting around mean

People traveling dreaming of escaping in a ghostly mansion are advised to go out smoothly as expected.For a person going to school to dream of a ghostly spider:Implies be... Read more

What does ghost teasing mean

To dream of becoming a ghost may indicate good things to come.A traveler dreaming of a phantom bus is advised to proceed as scheduled:Smoothly and safely.A pregnant woman... Read more

Dreaming of a bus full of ghosts

People in business dreaming of fighting with ghosts on a bus represents a start of profit:Followed by disagreement and unfavorable decline.People in love dreaming of figh... Read more

Dream:Marrying a ghost

Those who are traveling dreamed of getting married to a ghost and a fish:Suggesting a change of itinerary for the better.A pregnant person dreaming of marrying a strange ... Read more

Dream:Fall in love with a ghost

A pregnant woman dreaming of going to the world of ghosts and falling in love with a ghost predicts the birth of a daughter.A pregnant woman dreaming of falling in love w... Read more

What do ghosts and monsters mean?

Travelers dreaming of ghosts and monsters are advised to go out in windy and rainy weather.Doing business dreamed of ghosts and monsters:On behalf of successful wealth, c... Read more

Dream:Ghosts and Monsters

A pregnant woman dreaming of ghosts and monsters predicts the birth of a daughter and prevents fetal demise.People dreaming of ghosts and monsters in their current year o... Read more

What does being dead grandma mean

A traveler dreaming of a dead grandmother being eaten by a ghost is advised to have a smooth trip.A pregnant woman dreaming of being beaten by her dead grandmother predic... Read more

Dreaming of being chased by a ghost

People who go to school dreaming of being chased by a ghost have poor grades and are hard to get accepted.A traveler dreaming of being chased by a ghost will stop when it... Read more