What does it mean to dream that your father is being loaded into a coffin?

A traveler dreaming of his father being loaded into a coffin is advised not to go out and to postpone the trip to a later date.

For a businessman to dream of his father being loaded into a coffin:It means that the businessman will start to gain profit, but then disagree with his father, and the businessman will be unfavorable.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her father being loaded into a coffin predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the summer months, preventing the birth of a fetus.

People in love dreaming of their father being loaded into a coffin:Suggesting that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

People dreaming of seeing their father being loaded into a coffin implies that they are concentrating on the same thing and will finally be admitted to the school as they wish:And will be favorable to the Central District Examination Hall.

Those who dreamed of seeing their mother being loaded into a coffin:Suggest that they can go out smoothly, but be careful of fire.

People dreaming of being loaded into a coffin represent failing to make a profit and still having a loss:So get rid of the old and bring in the new and operate again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being loaded into a coffin predicts the birth of a boy. In the summer:A woman was born, preventing a difficult labor.

A businessman dreaming of seeing his father's death in a coffin:Representing unfavorable financial losses, it is advisable to keep the old and not to re-invest.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing classmates being loaded into a coffin:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, avoid moving earth.

Doing business dreamed of being loaded into a coffin by mom:Representing financial gain, be careful to prevent water and fire disasters, not careless.

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing her friend being loaded into a coffin predicts the birth of a girl. Be careful with the fetus.

A person dreaming of being loaded into a coffin in the year of one's life means that one's life will go smoothly as one wishes and one's fortune will be realized. Beware of lawsuits.

For those who dreamed that they died and were put into a coffin in their current year:It means that they should not keep to the old ways, and should cooperate with the trend, and be cautious of lawsuits.

Those who dreamed of seeing their friends being loaded into coffins are advised to have bad luck and go out less often.

People in love dreaming of friends being loaded into a coffin:Suggests that as long as they communicate with each other, they should not have conflicting views.

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