What is the omen of asking a nurse to measure blood pressure and the nurse not m

If you are traveling and dream of calling a nurse to measure your blood pressure and the nurse doesn't measure it:You are advised to go as scheduled, travel with a companion, and be careful when encountering water.

If you are pregnant and dream of calling a nurse to measure your blood pressure:You are predicting the birth of a daughter, but in the fall you will have a boy. Difficulty in labor, be careful.

Doing business dreamed of calling nurse to measure blood pressure nurse did not measure:On behalf of ups and downs, poor fortune, be careful to prevent the beauty plan.

People in love dreamed of calling nurse blood pressure nurse did not measure:Suggests that mutual discovery shortcomings, if can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of calling a nurse to measure blood pressure nurse did not measure:Means joyful, double happiness, confidence, wealth.

Pregnant people dreaming of nurse died:Foretell the birth of a daughter, be careful not to wind and cold.

Pregnant people dreaming of nurse stabbing needle:Predicting the birth of a man, do not approach the water, prevent miscarriage.

Those who dreamed of seeing a nurse sticking needles in a traveler's dream:Suggesting that one can travel on a sunny day.

Traveling people dreaming of calling the head nurse:Suggests changing the date of travel.

Pregnant person dreamed of nurse delivering medicine:Foretells birth of male child, be careful to prevent moving the fetus, be careful with diet.

Travelers dreaming of a woman as a nurse:Suggest smooth round trip, safe and sound.

Married woman dreaming of a nurse - will soon become pregnant and get a precious son.

Traveler dreaming of complaining about a nurse:Autumn is less to go, delay going out.

Pregnant person dreaming of being a nurse foretells birth of a daughter:Not to do rough and heavy work.

Pregnant person dreamed of nurse giving me blood:Predicts birth of a daughter, prevent fetal death.

A traveler dreaming of a patient's nurse:Traveling smoothly, postponing the return.

Traveling person dreamed of nurse is giving patient infusion:Choose another date to depart again.

People in love dreaming of nurse giving nurse giving himself wrong medicine:Indicates temperament hard to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

Traveling person dreamed of molesting nurse:Suggests postponing departure again for some reason.

Traveler dreamed of measuring blood pressure of others:Suggests sunny day can travel.

A sick person dreaming of seeing a nurse predicts that his health will improve soon. A married woman dreaming of a nurse indicates that she will soon become pregnant.

A traveler dreaming of becoming a nurse suggests postponing a trip.

A traveler dreaming of a new nurse's shoes being stolen:Suggests postponing departure in case of a thunderstorm.

A pregnant woman dreaming of many nurses predicts the birth of a daughter.

Pregnant person dreaming of a woman working as a nurse:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoiding earth moving.

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