Dreaming of a large horseshoe fern

A pregnant woman dreaming of a large horseshoe fern predicts the birth of a daughter; be careful with water and fire:And guard against moving the fetus.People in love dre... Read more

Do you dream of a sick stray dog?

If you are traveling and dream of a sick stray dog:You are advised to be careful in case of wind and have a smooth journey.A pregnant woman dreaming of a sick stray dog p... Read more

Do you dream of a very tall tree?

To dream of a very tall tree means that you will not be admitted to school as you wish.A pregnant woman dreaming of a tall tree predicts the birth of a male child.For a b... Read more

Dreaming of Tucson

A pregnant woman dreaming of a Toucan gives birth to a boy.Dreaming of Toucheng:A student's performance in science is unsatisfactory.Those who dreamed of Tucson on a trip... Read more