Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming of a Thief Stealing from Your Home

A traveler dreaming of a thief stealing from his home is advised to postpone his trip if the sky does not agree with his wishes.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a thief stealing from her home is predicting the birth of a male child:And the birth of a female child in May.

People in love dreaming of thieves stealing things from their homes:Suggesting that they may hope to get married. Be open and honest.

Dreaming of thieves stealing from a home means that one's grades are poor in the liberal arts and one will not be admitted.

A pregnant woman dreaming of thieves stealing from her home is predicting the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Be careful not to move the earth to move the fetus.

Travelers dreaming of being stolen by thieves:Advises to be careful of fire, postpone the trip again.

People dreaming of thieves stealing things from their homes implies poor performance in science and failure to be admitted.

People in love dreaming of thieves coming into their home and stealing things that I found:Suggests that mutual understanding can lead to marriage.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing a woman in white stealing things from her home:Predicting the birth of a daughter, fall occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent falls and injuries.

People in love dreamed of being stolen by a thief and injured by the thief:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished with honesty and sincerity.

Doing business dreamed of being stolen by thieves and injured by thieves:Representing the profit side can not be dominated, overdraft and loss of money.

People traveling dreamed of thieves entering their home through the window and stealing things:Suggesting that they should proceed according to the original plan and be safe.

People in love dreamed of many thieves coming to their home to steal things:Indicating that if there is a misunderstanding should be explained clearly, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of thieves stealing from their homes means that it is better to guard than to enter:Go out less on rainy days, and be careful with thunder and lightning.

School dreamed of being stolen by thieves:Means poor grades, hard to get in.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing thieves stealing things from their homes at night:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and less going out to climb mountains.

Doing business dreamed of thieves entering home to steal things:Represents not yet stabilized, should be more careful, spring possession of wealth and profit.

People dreaming of thieves stealing things at sunrise:Means can hope to be admitted, science more gas.

Traveling people dreaming of thieves entering the house to steal things:Suggests smooth, as scheduled departure, peace.

Pregnant people dreamed of thieves stealing things:Foretells the birth of a daughter, be careful of water and fire, be careful to prevent moving the fetus.

Doing business dreamed of entering home to steal:Represents slow progress, make money in real estate.

Traveling people dreamed of thief sunrise stealing things:Suggests encountering water or landslide delay before traveling.

Pregnant people dreaming of thieves stealing from their homes and being caught:Predicting the birth of a daughter. Be careful not to move the fetus, go to the west less.

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